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Turning My “Ow!” Into an “Oh!” What to Do When Sex Hurts

She has sex with her husband daily, but the intercourse is always painful. She can orgasm normally through masturbation and other non-penetrative acts, but sex remains so painful that she cannot orgasm. How can she engage in sex without pain?
Case #: 1812

My husband and I have sex every other day. I can orgasm during masturbation and oral sex, but intercourse causes extreme pain. When we my husband and I engage in intercourse, I cannot orgasm due to the pain. I want to enjoy my orgasms without the worry of pain.

The fact that you can orgasm normally through masturbation and oral sex suggests to me that something is going wrong in the vaginal department. Many, many things can contribute to vaginal pain, but we should zero in one of them to hopefully give you an idea of what you can do to solve this problem.
Painful Prostaglandins

A major reason for painful sexual intercourse is the presence of prostaglandins. There are a few different types circulating in your body; some are beneficial and some are detrimental! The problem you’re having is with Prostaglandin E2, a hormone formed in response to injury. Any type of stress or abuse will cause this hormone to flare up. Interestingly, it’s the interaction of this prostaglandin with another chemical in your body that causes the pain you feel.
Prostaglandin E2 is released when the body senses that it’s been wounded in some way. It then combines with a chemical released at the site of the injury to form bruising, inflammation, shooting pains, cramping; you name it! Most types of pain that occur during or immediately after sex are the result of this interaction.
Scar Issues

The more you engage in the types of practices that cause these prostaglandins to be created, e.g. sex, the more they’re going to build up in your body, eventually creating scar tissue at the site of injury. Scar tissue in turn blocks capillaries and forms calluses on delicate tissue, creating problems with sexual sensation and pleasure. Not only that, but when injury is inflicted upon scar tissue, the prostaglandins come out en force.
Clean Up Your Act

So, the first thing to do is to detoxify your body of these irritating chemicals. The second thing to do is to prevent them from occurring again. To detoxify your body, I recommend an herbal formula that will cleanse the live, and the tissues, organs, and blood of the reproductive system. This will help you from causing damage to this sensitive region. (TRY: Vaginal Restoration Formula for Intercourse Pain) This formula also contains herbs that are known to rejuvenate vaginal and clitoral tissue, creating a boost in sensation and strength. This should cut down on the pain you’re feeling.
Stop It Before It Starts

In the meantime, before you engage in sex, take some form of NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). This category includes aspirin and ibuprofen, to name a few easy to find ones. What these NSAIDs will do for you is block the bonding site of the chemical that creates the pain and inflammation at the point of injury. This means that you’ll be able to engage in sex, without the pain. I hope you soon find enjoyment in penetrative intercourse!

What to do

VRD Formula III - Vaginal Regeneration & Detoxification Formula For Intercourse Pain

Abusing a vibrator can trigger chronic elevation of prolactin, dopamine-norepinephrine or epinephrine conversion, leading to pituitary-ovarian functional disorders and sexual exhaustion symptoms. Vibrator abuse can accelerate aging of the vagina,..

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Views: 246

Ideas: Women's, Intercourse Pain

Blog ID: 62041

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