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Blood in Semen, You're Not Dreamin'

Is your semen starting to look a bit red? Learn the risk factors and warning signs of bloody semen, and find out what can be done about it.

Case #: 1431


I tend to masturbate a bit too much. Mix in a few sessions of sex, and you get my current health woes: bloody semen. When I first noticed blood in my semen, I thought it was part of a larger STD problem. I did some research online to be sure, and luckily, I did not contract anything from the multiple sexual escapades life has afforded me. Still, I am fearful that my bloody semen will scare off any would-be partners. What is a 50-year-old male like myself to do?


I completely understand your concern. According to comprehensive academic clinical research carried out over 25 years, bloody semen is not normal (your tax dollars at work). I'm glad that you don't have a sexually transmitted disease, but even if we assume that there are no specific dangers (which there are), your problem can definitely spell trouble for your love life. “Single white male with bloody semen seeks attractive blonde for fun and companionship.” The fact is, Bloody Semen would make a great name for a death metal band, but there are no other benefits beyond that.

This can be a very traumatic symptom, but it's not uncommon, and better yet, it's not untreatable. As you may have speculated, your problem is almost certainly caused by over-masturbation. Your prostate is responsible for managing the flow of your ejaculation, and when you overwork it, it becomes inflamed. Hormones like prostaglandin E2 put stress on the prostate and mix with the prostatic fluid. Before you know it, the inflammation spreads throughout the prostate gland and your urethra, and your semen starts to look like something out of a horror film.

Possible Solutions

There are a few things that you can do to get the problem under control. First, stop masturbating with reckless abandon. Actually, for the time being, I'm going to recommend that you stop ejaculating altogether and give your body some time to heal. Become like a monk for a couple of months, and you may even discover inner-peace as a bonus (or you may just realize how much you despise celibacy). Failing that, you could always just get yourself a girlfriend and only have sex when she's menstruating...come to think of it, that's as disturbing as it is dangerous, so maybe we should just resolve the issue with some helpful herbs instead.

Herbs for Unhappy Semen

Aside from giving the masturbation a rest, I would recommend an herbal remedy formulated to treat sexual exhaustion. (TRY: Natural Herbal Formula for Proper Prostate Health) Only then can you turn your zombie sperm back into healthy cells. Herbs like Chinese White Ginseng, Cranberry, Fo-Ti and Ginseng have been shown to not only stop the bleeding, but heal the prostate inflammation and restore optimal hormone levels. Before long, you should start to experience less pain, easier urine flow, and more comfortable ejaculation. You'll find that once you've conquered the trauma of ejaculatory bleeding, you can conquer just about anything in life

What to do

Powerful Prostate Care Supplements For Active Lifestyle

If you notice blood in your semen, experience pain after ejaculating or notice a slow urine stream, your issues may be caused by abusive masturbation that has elevated your prostaglandin E-2 levels. Improve your health today!

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Views: 196

Ideas: Men's, Prostate Enlargement

Blog ID: 61780

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