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Impotence - Caused by Cocaine

Cocaine, usually snorted, remains a popular stimulant. Despite the countless warnings about its severe side effects, cocaine users take the drug to enhance thier mood and improve their energy level. However, cocaine is destructive to the penile tissue and nerve endings.

How Cocaine Can Kill Your Erection
The brain's acetylcholine and parasympathetic nervous functions help sustain an erection during sex.  The chemicals in cocaine gradually take over acetylcholine in the brain and nervous system, causing the brain and autonomonic nervous functions to become disoriented. The neurotransmitter nitric oxide and dilator cGMP become suppressed, leading to poor erection or orgasm dysfunctions.

It Can Become Permanent

  • After prolonged use, cocaine can alter the nervous system, leading to permanent impotence. Men may even start to see orgasm problems due to the acetylcholine deficiency in the sympathetic ganglions and adrenal medulla.

  • Acetylcholine helps link the sympathetic nervous functions for the release of norepinephrine and epinephrine, which trigger orgasmic contractions in the pelvic contractive fibers. Seminal production and testicular functions gradually shut down when acetylcholine levels become depleted. Then, ejaculations becomes less frequent until they stop completely.

Rejuvenate Your Sex Organs
Cocaine contains toxins that harm healthy cells. Exposure to its chemicals can ruin the penile nerves, leading to severe erectile dysfunction. Impotence caused by cocaine will require a detox and rejuvenation of the nervous system and endocrine system to experience a full recovery.

If you struggle with cocaine addiction, seek help and take these herbs to help with recovery:
  • Rehmannia Glutinosa, Bupleurum Chinense, Paeonia Suffruticosa, Tumeric Root, Milk Thristle, and Fo Ti - detoxify, rejuvenate and reverse the harmful side effects caused by cocaine
  • Cnidium Monnieri, Maca, Cuscuta Chinensis, and Cynomorium - help males recover from erectile dysfunction by increasing enzymes that produce nitric oxide and sex hormones
  • Rhodiola Rosea, Fo-Ti, Siberian Ginseng, and Panax Ginseng - serve as well-known adaptogenic herbs that enhance endurance and improve both physical and mental stamina
Depending on the severity of the addiction, these herbs can work together to replenish necessary neurotransmitters and restore the parasympathetic nervous functions critical to erection control and strength.
[More Details +]

Views: 453

Ideas: Men's, Impotence, cocaine, acetylcholine depletion

Blog ID: 59563

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