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Hard Drinking Equals a Soft Penis: His Hot Girlfriend Has No Time for Alcohol-Induced Erectile Dysfunction

After six months of chasing a hot girl, she finally gave him a chance. But he blew the opportunity by being unable to achieve an erection. The fault is entirely his own: he spent those six months, and plenty of time before, partying with his friends. He uses alcohol for a good time and is now paying the price.
Case #: 2034

I’ve been trying to make it with a 23-year old actress for about six months. She is perfection, but she insisted on playing hard to get. While she made up her mind, I partied with my buddies. I love a good time, and I never fail to have one when I drink. But we don’t stick to one beverage, like craft beer or whiskey. We mix: shots, mixed drinks, whatever. It’s an all-around good time.

So, when my honey finally gave me the time of day, I wanted her in the worst way. We went to a dinner a few times, and I finally took her home. We went to my bedroom, got into bed…and I couldn’t get it up. I COULDN’T GET IT UP! What is wrong with me?
Whether you know it or not, you’re in a two-sided dilemma to keep up with the opposite sex and understand your own body. No wonder you’re in need of answers, especially because men rarely think about how they get erections. The penis is just supposed to get hard when sex is on the table. But, as you’re about to see, the low-down on hard-ons is far more complex.
A Complicated Process

Have you ever heard of the little boy who couldn’t keep his hands off his penis? Of course you have – you probably were that little boy. With good reason, too. The penis is more amazing than we credit. It responds to sex, enables procreation and even gives pleasure. Sure, you already knew this, but we wanted to remind you.
The question now is how exactly does the penis perform so well? The answer is in the brain, where touch and other sexual stimulants are processed. In turn, the brain sends messages to the penis that relax smooth muscles. Simultaneously, arteries in the penis increase to twice their normal size. Veins close so blood cannot flow out of the penis.
With the veins closed, the shaft of the penis fills with blood. More specifically, blood fills the spongy-tissue chambers. Those chambers expand and press against the veins so no blood drains out. This allows the penis to grow straight and hard. Hence, you have an erection.
A Wrench in the Wheel

With a process of clockwork precision, it’s hard to imagine something might inhibit an erection. A beautiful girl, an invitation to the bedroom and lots of chemistry – what could possibly get in the way? In short, plenty of factors, and one of the most prominent is alcohol.
Men who abuse alcohol are 70 percent more likely to face erectile dysfunction (ED). It’s true a few drinks before sex can help you relax and drive desire. But alcohol is a depressant that retards natural body functions – including sexual responses. This is why many men can’t get hard after a night of tipping the bottle.
The long-term effects of alcohol are even worse. Alcohol causes nerve damage that interferes with messages from the brain to the penis. Without those messages, an erection becomes increasingly difficult.
Alcohol also changes hormone levels by causing liver damage. The liver is responsible for metabolizing everything ingested into and produced by the body, including hormones. When it can’t function as necessary, the body becomes overloaded with toxins and chemicals. A hormonal imbalance ensues, and if a man needs anything in order to achieve an erection, it’s proper levels of testosterone. Known as the “male hormone,” this chemical maintains a healthy penis and stabilizes libido. A decrease in testosterone means a decrease in sexual function.
Show Your Girl Who’s Boss

If you’re serious about getting the girl of your dreams, you don’t have to knuckle under the effects of too much alcohol. In fact, your next step to achieving a sustainable erection will be surprisingly easy. You need an herbal remedy known as milk thistle. With a 2,000-year history of improving liver function, milk thistle will put you straight on the road to sexual pleasure. (TRY: Milk Thistle for Detoxifying Erection Benefits)
In a nutshell, milk thistle detoxifies the body to normalize liver functions, balance hormones and protect liver cells from future damage. It is your key to hard erections sure to satisfy your girlfriend. More importantly, once you regain your hard-ons, your confidence will skyrocket so you never again doubt yourself in bed.

What to do

Milk Thistle: The Detoxifier

A man requires a gamut of intricate, well-timed chemical reactions to gain and maintain an erection.

[More Details +]

Views: 97

Ideas: Men's, Impotence

Blog ID: 59421

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