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Pumping it Up – Without the Pump

A young man is quite the lover, well he was in the past. But now he is having problems keeping his little spermies in check and that is costing him big time. How can he turn things around here?
Case #: 1970

Hi, I’m a healthy Asian young adult man who is having a little problem. Where I used to be able to last all night in the sack with a girl, now I can’t hold it back for more than five minutes.

I’m not sure why this is happening but it is ruining my sex life. I figure that since I’m in-between partners, this would be a good time to learn from you guys how I can hold my cum back longer. Thank you and great website!
Bo was quite the lady’s man. He was a handsome Chinese guy who had a great job and also the gift of gab; he could practically talk any woman into bed. Bo had been on a hot streak for about a solid year, blondes, brunettes, Asians, Europeans, he enjoyed variety.
Uh…That’s it?

Many women fell for his game and ended up with their legs in the air while their beds squeaked loudly. The few women who tried to play hard to get were quickly passed over in favor of more willing participants. Life was good... for a while...
The following year things took a turn for the worse. His ability to last for hours dwindled to one hour, then 30 minutes, then all the way down to around 10 minutes. His stable of women deserted him except for a few of the hardcore ones. What in the world was happening to him?
More Common Than You Think

Don’t be alarmed, premature ejaculation is a sexual dysfunction that is quite common among men. That is both fortunate and unfortunate – please let me explain. It’s fortunate because now you can be assured that you are not some sort of freak of nature who can’t hold back his sperm, but it’s unfortunate because it affects so many men each and every year.
Premature ejaculation is caused by a faulty ejaculation valve. Men with compromised parasympathetic nervous systems can see their ejaculation valve spring a leak every time that they reach a certain arousal threshold. So how does one increase their arousal threshold so that they can regain control over their little spermies?
The Method

The Masters and Johnson’s Squeezing Method is tailor-made for men who are experiencing ejaculation control issues. The great thing about it is that it doesn’t require a partner (although it is optimal to have one help – see case study: “Last Longer – Masters and Johnson’s Squeeze Method for Couples”), just your hands and some free time.
Here’s how to perform this highly effective technique:

  1. Step 1: Get yourself to a calm and relaxed environment, free of distractions – this means no TV, no cell phone/texting etc.
  2. Step 2: Begin to stroke your member until fully erect.
  3. Step 3: When fully erect, you want to be totally in the moment and concentrate on your feelings of arousal – this will enable you to increase your level of sexual awareness.
  4. Step 4: When you are about to ejaculate, empty your mind of all pleasurable thoughts.
  5. Step 5: Stop stroking your penis and instead gently grasp the area around the base of your penis head (glans) applying light pressure to it for 20 seconds.
  6. Step 6: Stop applying pressure, wait a full 30 seconds, and then repeat the technique several more times.

Lube optional.
Combined with our selection of powerful healing herbs, a man can once again gain mastery over his ability to hold back his semen until he wants to bust loose. So now is the time to act!

What to do

Masters and Johnson's Squeeze Method

Developed by Masters and Johnson, the squeeze method suggests stimulating the man to the brink, when he feels the onset of orgasm he is to squeeze his penis hard enough to inhibit ejaculation.

[More Details +]

Views: 186

Ideas: Men's, Premature Ejaculation

Blog ID: 59757

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