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Too Many 4th of Julys in Your Pants

Here is a case involving a gentleman who has been engaging in a little too much self sex-time over a long period of time, and he is now experiencing numerous unexpected side-effects. Have you had problems occur from too much masturbation or do you know anyone who has? Read on...

Case #: 896


I started masturbating at the age of 10 or 11, and everything was normal until I reached 17, when I started masturbating up to 12 times a day. Now that I'm in my late twenties I have over-masturbated for some years, and I have developed many symptoms.

I have a swollen epididymis and varicose veins in my testicles (varicoceles). The effects of this are that my semen smells strangely, I have pelvic pains, I'm irritable and moody, my hair has thinned at the front, I have weak erections and sometimes suffer impotence, my penis size seems to have shrunk by an inch when erect and I suffer insomnia.


So you’ve been checking out that hot secretary at work and routinely sit in your cubicle fantasizing about what you’d like to do with her, or how about maybe that certain cahier girl at the grocery store that you stop by on the way home; she seemed to be giving you the eye the other day. And then there’s your college professor in that one class that you’re taking who seems to be wearing those low-cut blouses exposing just the perfect amount of cleavage for you…she must be doing it on purpose just to drive you insane with lust!

I know She Wants Me!

If you’re like many men, daily life can be a continuous conveyor belt of scrumptious possibilities; juicy little morsels just out of reach that make imprints upon your mind for later dissemination. After a hard day of work or school men can find themselves at the mercy of their fanciful and fertile imaginations, and typically with the aid of a little (or a lot) of porn, can live their fantasies out; at least in alternate universes. But when one gets swept away in these all-to-fun activities, a darker side can emerge...

Too much self-love time with Mr. Happy doesn’t allow your body to replenish its hormones and neurotransmitters, and therefore it gets harder (actually softer) to achieve the original orgasmic joys of the past. Ironically, this can cause an increase in the volume of sessions as well as the vigorousness of the actual masturbation process, resulting in your body becoming more and more drained (sexual exhaustion). Unwanted symptoms soon follow and can wreak havoc on your mind and body.

Over masturbation can cause plaque build-up in your penile blood chambers which cause penis shrinkage/softness over the long term, and trigger the accumulation of DHT in your body, resulting in your hair follicles becoming blocked and things thinning out up-top. Meanwhile, the depletion of testosterone and melatonin cause the mood swings and sleep insomnia that you mentioned, respectively. So how can you reverse these maladies?

Reprioritizing Your Wants

Let’s start off by giving you some proper rest. Give your penis a break from masturbation, and take up another healthier habit in its place. See this as the ultimate act of real self-love rather than further burning out your body through excessive masturbation, at least until your symptoms go away.

If you’d like to really amp up your recovery process, taking a natural herbal formula can really help. (Natural Herbal Formula for Masturbation Stabilizer) The specialized botanicals contained within these powerful mixtures can rebalance your hormonal levels, including boosting your testosterone and melatonin back to normal and thereby melt those mood and sleep issues away. Other benefits include regenerating your penile tissues which can return your penis to its normal, healthy size, as well as dissolve the accumulated DHT in your body; promoting hair follicle rejuvenation and hair growth.

What are you waiting for? A healthy, herbal remedy is the safest, most wholistic path back to optimal health!

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观看次数: 84


笔记编号: 61682

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