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Birth Control Blackout

Learn about some of the setbacks that birth control can lead to, and how to deal with them.
Case #: 1305

I've been taking birth control pills for a month and a half now. About five days ago I started experiencing heavy brown vaginal discharge and sudden pain a few times a day, but only for a few seconds. It hasn't gone away. Is this normal or should I be worried? What should I do about it?

For a lot of women, taking birth control can turn into a gamble. No oral contraception is guaranteed to integrate its self completely with any particular genetic makeup. And though there are many birth control options out there, they all pretty much work the same way.
Periodical Damage

Oral contraception runs smoothly on the basis that it successfully tricks the female brain into thinking that we are in fact already pregnant. It does this by flooding the brain with mass amounts of synthetic estrogen and the synthetic version of progesterone, called progestin. These hormones enable the brain to believe we are with child, and the body shuts down the ovarian function.
Some women take to the higher levels of hormones better than others. Those who don't will quickly be alerted by their bodies that their liver is not able to keep up with the new ingredients you've added to your body.
Brown Blood

If the liver is unable to cleanse the body entirely of the excessive estrogen and progesterone, it will show up in your period blood. In some more severe cases, a woman will spot this brown or blackish blood even when they are not menstruating. These pains that you are feeling are also normal… When the body is not meshing well with the type of birth control you are taking, that is. I would definitely suggest talking with your doctor about possibly switching to a birth control with a lower dosage, or getting off of birth control completely. That pain that your feeling will only get worse over time and you shouldn't feel like you have to suffer through your responsible decision to use contraception.
Herbs And Detox

In order to fully cleanse your body of the possibly harmful toxins and progestin build-up left behind by the pill, you may utilize herbs such as Mexican Wild Yam, Fo Ti, Ligustrum, Muira Puama, and Safflower. These natural herbs will kick start your liver into high gear, so that it may catch up to its detox duties. (SEE: Vaginal Infection Detox and Relief) They will also help to replenish the body with essential fatty and amino acids. These acids will restore any diminished vaginal health.
You can also help your liver through the detoxification process by drinking plenty of water. Six glasses of water each day will help to flush out and expel the left over synthetic residue that causes the brown or black discharge.

What to do

Vaginal Infection Relief & Detoxification Formula

Antibiotics and birth control pills can alter the balance of the ‘friendly’ micro flora that subsists in the vagina. Pathogens from these drugs can result in yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis, with symptoms ranging from abnormal discharge,...

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Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Discharge

Blog ID: 59371

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