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Why Pre-cum Causes Premature Ejaculation

His excessive pre-cum continues to cause premature ejaculation problems.

Case #: 29151


I have been masturbating since the age of 14; I am 26 now. I continue to leak pre-cum from my penis. Even talking to a female for extended periods causes pre-cum to leak out. During sex, pre-cum becomes an exasperating quality, mainly because it diminishes my endurance. I last maybe 3-5 minutes with heavy pre-cum leakage. My question is how do I minimize the pre-cum leakage?


Think of pre-cum as a necessary evil needed to produce an ejaculation. Pre-cum, like vaginal lubrication, is controlled by the body’s hormones. The hormones send signals to the body to release the liquid to prepare the penis for an ejaculation. In your case, the body releases more liquid than necessary (aka Leaky Penis), producing a faster ejaculation. Instead, you’ll want to minimize the rate at which pre-cum is released.

Pre-Cum’s Release

Pre-cum is produced mainly by the bulburethral glands and the prostate gland. When the hormone prostaglandin E-2 (PGE-2) is released, it stimulates the urethral and prostate nerves to open the prostate emission valve for semen to "leak" out. The key to reducing P.E. is to reduce the secretion of pre-cum. How? Well, by elevating the amount of serotonin in your body and strengthen the ejaculatory nerves, you can control ejaculations much better. Take Nourishing Herbal Pills to help you strengthen your nerves and replenish depleted neurotransmitters.

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Blog ID: 61604

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