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Penis Pain & Injury - Caused by Penile Blood Vessel Damage

Frequent ejaculation and abusive masturbation can often lead to penile peripheral blood vessel or tissue damage. Over-ejaculation can result in swollen penile veins that lead to poor testicular blood circulation, penile shrinkage and pain.
Penile damage can be very severe for men that employ penis pumps as tools for masturbation or penis enlargement. Using a penile pump or other stretching technique can damage the cylinder lining of the penis when the vacuum force exerts more pressure than the penis can handle.

Such trauma to the erect penis can result in a rupture of the organ’s cylinder lining. This would be a very painful injury that is accompanied by dark bruising of the penis due to blood escaping the breached cylinder. Obviously, overuse of anything can cause damage. Be mindful of how often you masturbate. Also be aware of how much force you use. Blood vessel damage is more likely to occur when the penis frequently endures physical stress and pressure.

Natural Solutions

Methods of treating – and avoiding - penile pain caused by blood vessel damage can be found in many natural remedies. These natural remedies help increase soft tissue production while improving blood circulation to the penis.

Thanks to Guarana and Schisandra, the body receives a boost in nitric oxide production while Atractylodes Macrocephala and Alima Plantago help with nerve growth factors essential in the recovery of damaged blood vessels and nerve endings.

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Views: 225

Ideas: Men's, Penis Pain & Injury, bruised penis, painfu penis, penis shrinkage

Blog ID: 59833

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