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Has Your Sore Penis Sprung a Leak?

Penis pain and seminal leakage are among the symptoms of over-masturbation, but how much masturbation is too much? Hear one guy's struggle, and learn the facts.

Case #: 995


The other day I masturbated twice in a row (5 minutes in between). I basically overmasturbated because I could feel that I was empty but decided to do it anyway. Well afterwards I felt a pain in my urethra, slightly below the head. I thought this was normal because I sometimes get this pain when masturbating too much. However the next day I was changing my clothes and I realized that I was leaking semen in my underwear. It’s been 4 days now and I haven’t masturbated since, yet I still feel a slight on/off, pain/itching in the shaft near the head, and a drop of clear, sometimes milky, seminal fluid will leak around every 10 minutes. I am very worried and embarrassed to go see a doctor. I came across this website online and I hope you can help me. I would like to know if I damaged something and whether this is permanent or whether it can be fixed or go away? Thank you very much.


I can understand your embarrassment. Under the circumstances, I wouldn't want to see a doctor either. “Hey doc, I was on a masturbation bender and I think I broke my penis” (but granted, doctors have all heard much, much worse).

In this case, though, I think the diagnosis is pretty simple, and you've already hit the nail right on the injured penis head. Your chronic masturbation is causing some serious damage. Everything good in life is bound to hurt us when we over-indulge, and masturbation is perhaps the ultimate example.

In your case, you need to understand that over-masturbation damages the central and prostate nervous control and causes serious prostate inflammation. Your prostate is sort of like the Willy Wonka Factory of semen production (now there's an idea for a screenplay), but when the production line gets overheated, the entire conveyor belt starts to behave erratically. Before you know it, the Oompa Loompas are racing toward the emergency exits and the health department is knocking at your door...but I digress.

DHT – The Underlying Culprit

Here is how the prostate inflammation works. When you masturbation 3, or 4, or 60 times a week, your body starts to lose important hormones, while overproducing inflammatory hormones just to pick up the slack. One of the most annoying of these inflammatory hormones is called dihydrotestosterone, but for the sake of simplicity (i.e. I really don't want to have to spell that word again), let's just call it by its abbreviation, DHT.

DHT, when produced in excess, causes the prostate and urethra to become inflamed, which accounts not only for the pain and itching, but also for the seminal leakage (since the prostate is less equipped to regulate the flow of semen.

Restoring the Factory to Working Order

If we want to address both the pain and the leakage, we need to address the overproduction of DHT. Fortunately, there are some very helpful herbs like Ashwagandha, Dioscorea, Fo Ti, Gingko and and Rehmannia, which work to restore hormone levels and treat prostate inflammation.
When you take an herbal remedy containing these ingredients, and cut back on the masturbation, you should begin to feel like your old self again in no time. (SEE: Sexual Exhaustion Recovery Formula) Also (and not to get all serious on you), if you consistently feel the urge to continue masturbating almost immediately after ejaculating, you may want to speak to an expert about sexual addiction. It's no laughing matter, and it's definitely something you want to keep under control.

What to do

Herbal Remedy For Sexual Exhaustion & Dysfunction

Sexual exhaustion caused by over masturbation or ejaculation resulted in devastating effect of chronic overexposure of cortisol. Prolonged cortisol elevations result in suppression of immune system, sustained elevations of blood sugar, substantial...

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Views: 174

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation

Blog ID: 61283

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