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Early Ejaculation – Caused by Hyperthyroidism

Here’s a case study involving a gentleman that has been suffering from an over-active thyroid gland and is now experiencing problems controlling his ejaculations. What can be done to overcome this problem and prevent any further ones?

Case #: 1292


Ever since I had a case of viral induced hyperthyroid, I have had a problem with premature ejaculation and difficulty maintaining erection. The thyroid problem started 3 years ago and was "gone" 2 1/2 years ago. More recently, an endocrinologist said the thyroid issue did not cause the other problems, though I am still suspicious.


The Thyroid is a large butterfly-shaped gland in your throat just above your collarbones; indeed it is among the largest endocrine glands in your body. It has many important functions, including how fast you can metabolize food, how often you sweat controls your heart rate, and many others.

A Little Too Active

On the darker, flip side of the coin is a condition such as you have developed: hyperthyroidism. This is a serious issue that can cause people to gain lots of weight, feel exhausted all the time, depressed, increase blood pressure, body aches, and can even trigger auto immune attacks. In addition to this, problems with sex drive and in your case premature ejaculation have been well documented. It is important that you address this issue as soon as possible before any of these other symptoms start to show up.

Know that you’re not alone; 72 percent of men who have hyperthyroidism suffer from premature ejaculation. What is happening is that your thyroid is releasing too many hormones which in turn inhibit your pituitary (another endocrine gland) and hypothalamus, which links your entire endocrine system to your nervous system. This causes sex and growth factor hormones to wane and results in your premature ejaculations.

Scientists have also discovered that acetylcholine, a crucial neurotransmitter that travels from your brain to Mr. Happy when it’s time for action, is under produced as a result of interference from too much thyroid hormone production. When this happens you also lose control over the valve within your prostate that controls/holds back your seminal fluids, resulting in premature ejaculation. So what’s the solution?

Natural Stabilization

If you have noticed a dip in your desire for sex and general libido, you might want to get your androgen, DHEA, and testosterone levels checked if you haven’t already.

One thing that can really get you back on track it taking a natural herbal remedy. These potent mixtures can help you to strengthen your out-of-whack parasympathetic nerves system and allow you to better control your ejaculations. (SEE: Rapid Ejaculation Reveral Remedy) In addition to this, they can stabilize your thyroid function and re-regulate your acetylcholine production and action which causes a positive chain reaction throughout your body including balancing out your hormonal levels.

They can also modulate any heart beat issues, anxiety, and/or nervousness that can all contribute to premature ejaculation. Remember, we not only want to alleviate your ejaculation problem but also prevent additional symptoms from showing up in the future, and these natural botanicals can help you do that.

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Views: 154

Ideas: Men's, Premature Ejaculation

Blog ID: 60593

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