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Testicular Torture – Testicular Pain Caused by Over Masturbation

Here’s a fascinating case involving a man who has been playing with having too much fun with his one-handed hobby and is now suffering from testicular pain. Ouch! How can he overcome this potentially very serious issue?

Case #: 1296


I’m a multi-sport athlete at a top-tier sports college. I wrestle, play football and run track. With so much practice, my body will experience the occasional ache and pain. But lately, I’ve experienced a pain in a place like I never have before—pain in my testicles. Now I fear the pain may lead to a much bigger pain. And while the pain comes and goes, it still frightens me.

What could be my problem? Is it the constant exertion from my sports? Is it my extra-curricular sexual activities? Or something worse?


Being involved in sports can be a real ego booster. As a man, it shows our ability to perform, teaches us teamwork and self-discipline, and even makes us more attractive to the opposite sex since male athletes can be perceived as studly. I think we all knew of those types growing up in high school; the popular football quarterback, the star track runner, and the powerful wrestler. On the flip side of the coin playing a lot of sport can also lead to performance anxiety issues as a result of expectations being placed on athletes to break previous records that have been set, or go up against a strong champion who wrestles for a rival high school or college.

The Pressure to Achieve

For some, alcohol and drugs can be sources of relief from all of the pressure. For others, masturbation can allay all of the mounting stress. Unfortunately, sometimes it can become addictive, and athletes can come to abuse their bodies as a result of a little too much sexy-time.

Every time that you masturbate excessively without giving your body enough rest in-between sessions you cause its resources, including sexual hormones and neurochemicals, to fire off. Eventually, as a result of over-using them, they become depleted to the point that the next time you have your play time there are less of them to go around. This in turn can cause a dangerous build-up of prostaglandin E-2 which can inflame your body, causing various aches and pains throughout your body including your testicles. You are now in an advanced stage of abusive masturbation and must be address as soon as possible. So how do we make the owie go away? Read on...

A Natural Path to Healing

This can be quite a severe problem so consulting your physician is of utmost importance. You may have twisted the spermatic cord within your one or both of your testicles which can cut off their blood supply (testicular torsion). This is a dangerous condition so getting it checked out would be the first step. Also, stopping masturbation for a few weeks will allow your body to start to replenish itself of vital nutrients needed to rejuvenate itself.

Consider taking a natural botanical supplement which pole vault you to health faster. (TRY: Herbal Formula for Testicular Pain Relief) These powerful mixtures can not only vastly improve your testicular blood circulation but can also rejuvenate your seminiferous epithelium within them, preventing testicular atrophy. They also help to promote your spermatogenic cell production for higher sperm count levels as well as lower those inflammatory prostaglandin E-2 levels which are contributing to your pain. Another benefit is to also help reduce any testicular interstitial tissue edema which also causes groin pain. So start with a visit to the doc and then follow that up by embarking on a natural healing journey back to health, pain-free.

[More Details +]

Views: 94

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Testicular Pain & Injury

Blog ID: 61177

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