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Fire Down Below – Diagnosing and Relieving Testicular Pain

Years of over-masturbation left him with throbbing testicles and cyclical depression. Learn why these problems are so common, and find out how to take control of them.

Case #: 1151


Over several years I have experienced a dull ache in my left testicle post ejaculation. On examination the pain becomes sharp. The pain can last from morning to late evening. Yesterday after late morning intercourse the pain was acute from ejaculation and continued until waking today. Now it is very tender. Last evening the pain was so bad my wife (a registered nurse) examined me whilst I was standing the pain and discomfort almost caused me to pass out. My wife examined me today and feels there is swelling in the left of the scrotum. I have to say that due to pain she is unable to examine it as much as she would like. The ache has started as I have got up to walk. I do masturbate almost daily but haven’t done recently due to depression, could the cause be due in some way to not ejaculating for a couple of weeks? I have suffered with bouts of anxiety/depression for over 10 years and could not say if these episodes coincide with the pain. Although the first remembered pain was approx 8 years ago. I understand that serious disease does not always present with pain but I would like to put my mind at rest.


Masturbation is the ultimate personal escape. Nobody knows what makes your motor run better than you do, and nobody is better in tune with your body's rhythms. Many of our best orgasms are self-administered, but as human beings, we have a tendency to get carried away with the things that bring us pleasure. We get into relationships with people we know are bad for us, we overeat at the buffet, and we chase after sexual pleasure like it's going out of style. But of course, over-indulgence always has consequences, and sometimes those consequences leave one's testicles feeling like they have been dipped into a blender. That's why over-masturbation is so dangerous.

Your Symptoms Defined

Semen isn't just sticky and gross; it's chock full of neurotransmitters and hormones like serotonin, acetylcholine, dopamine and DHT. The more frequently you masturbate, the more you deplete your body of these important chemicals. Before long, you begin to suffer a deficiency. You lose the important anti-inflammatory hormones and feel-good neurotransmitters, and your endocrine and reproductive systems are overwhelmed by an excess of inflammatory hormones like prostaglandin E-2. As a result, your hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular and adrenal medulla functions are severely impaired, causing serious pain that can last for very long periods of time.

The neurotransmitter depletion may also account for your depression. Without sufficient amounts of dopamine and serotonin, your mood will definitely take a nosedive. On a scale of Tigger to Eeyore, you should fall somewhere in the middle (Winnie the Pooh territory), but without an ample supply of the right chemicals, the honey just isn't going to taste very sweet. There is good news, though. Since your symptoms are all related, you should be able to combat all of them with a single remedy.

Eliminating the Pain

Herbs. They're not just for pizzas and pot dispensaries. They have been used for centuries to heal a wide variety of ailments and make life easier for everyone from the Aztec Empire to mainland China. Thankfully, this is the 21st century, and we don't have to rely on guesswork and word of mouth to determine which herbs are worthwhile. We have peer-reviewed clinical studies and biological research to tell us which herbs are valuable and which ones are bunk. Here are just a few herbs that have proven tremendously useful for increasing testicular circulation, restoring hormone balance and alleviating genital pain: Cistanche, Cnidium, Epimedium, Quercetin and Saw Palmetto.

I'm going to recommend that you take an herbal preparation containing these and similar herbs. (SEE: Testicular Pain Restoration Remedy) Your testicles should feel 10 times better, and that alone might remedy your depression!

[More Details +]

Views: 181

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Testicular Pain & Injury

Blog ID: 59038

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