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Masturbation is Fun – Sexual Exhaustion is Not

His sexual exhaustion left him to contend with an array of annoying and even debilitating symptoms, including prostate inflammation, ringing ears and even hair loss. Learn the solution to these surprisingly common afflictions.

Case #: 778


I am suffering from chronic prostatitis. Burning, tingling, weak erections. I was a chronic masturbator from age 11 on. I began frequent masturbation again 4 years ago when I had a marital breakdown. I have ringing ears, curvature to the left, getting worse. I now have stopped masturbating and use a prostate massager to massage the prostate (no ejaculation) about twice a week. I have seen improvement. I was also experiencing hair loss. I was wondering what course of herbal supplements I need? I have been reading the others but there are so many different ones! Also, what do you think of penile extenders to straighten curvature? I am not that interested in making mine larger, just straighter. I am looking forward to your suggestions. Thank you.


Years of chronic masturbation can leave you with much more than mere sexual fatigue. After prolonged genital abuse, your penis can actually turn against you, to the point where it's not good enough to simply soak your right hand in hot sauce and resist the masturbatory urges. When you use your body as a sweat shop for semen production, it actually causes long-term physiological changes that aren't easy to reverse. Don't get me wrong. You still need to take it easy on the one-handed dance, but that alone might not do the trick, at least not in the short term.

Making Sense of Your Symptoms

The ringing ears, the curvature, the prostatitis...These issues all point to sexual exhaustion. And by “sexual exhaustion,” I don't mean the sense of total relaxation that comes after a really killer orgasm.

I'm referring to the effects of extended masturbatory addiction. Over-masturbation exhausts your hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, which hinders the dopamine-norepinephrine conversion and leaves your body in a constant fight-or-flight state. This is a stage of severe psychological stress, characterized by hormonal imbalance (including an over-production of inflammatory hormones like prostaglandin E-2) and sexual dysfunction.

It all sounds very depressing, but it is treatable. You're just going to have to be a bit patient. These symptoms didn't manifest themselves over the course of a week, and you're not going to overcome them over the course of a week either. So start by cutting way back on the masturbation, and begin taking an herbal supplement that actually treats the problem at its core.

Choosing the Right Herbs

Yes, there are a lot of herbal remedies out there that promise results, but if you actually want to get your money's worth, you need to choose a remedy that contains just the right ingredients. You need herbs like Pygeum, Saw Palmetto and Ophiopogon, which are shown to treat the effects of prostatitis, along with herbs like Ashwagandha and Bulpeurum, which aid in the removal of toxins. (SEE: Herbal Remedy for Prostate Exhaustion) There are a variety of herbal treatments that contain a combination of these and other helpful ingredients, but make sure to read those labels before buying.

Finally, avoid penile extenders at all costs. They can actually make deformities even worse, and contribute to long-term sexual dysfunction. And the last thing you need is to break your penis right as you're getting your hormones back in order. Treat your penis well, and it will treat you well in return.

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Views: 169

Ideas: Men's, Prostatitis

Blog ID: 59650

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