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Permanently Boosting The Rocket

He's tried to exercise his penis in the name of achieving permanent boosts in his erection, but hasn't been able to maintain whatever he gained. How can he make a lasting improvement? Read on and get the facts, in case you're aiming for the same target.

Case #: 1274


In the past I tried exercise that involved masturbating that would increase my size. It worked but the results were only minimal and not permanent. Is there anything I can do to just get a bigger penis? Something natural that will give me good results? If there is anything, please help me discover it.


It takes a diligent search through the sea of penis-enhancement devices, just-short-of-placebo “medicines” and other tricks to discover genuinely effective options. However, regardless of what specific tool (or combination thereof) you use, the key that will determine the success or failure of your endeavor is how closely you follow the instructions.

Mind The Dosage

It's possible to eliminate the effectiveness of any technique, especially ones that can become actual masturbation, by using them so frequently that the benefits are lost. Your body, especially your penis, has specific limits that you cannot overcome for long by simply willing it and ignoring warning signs.

The Nature Of The Beast

Looking at it from the outside, your erection is a fairly simple and reliable event. However, the internal picture includes a complex series of hormonal and physiological processes, each following the other in a very particular sequence. Even what seems to be a minor disruption to any part of it all can reduce even prevent erections from taking place at all. This gives you a good, simple guide to knowing whether a penis-enhancement technique will produce safe and permanent results: does it operate in harmony with how your erections work naturally? If not, then you would be wise to avoid using it.

In your case, it's possible that you may have chosen ineffective techniques; there are many out there, and it's difficult to get useful feedback on how any one of them works when it's next to impossible to study them under rigorous scientific conditions. On the other hand, no pun intended, you may have discovered techniques that actually will produce desired results but you may have applied them incorrectly, or too frequently, or both, which can not only fail to give you the enhancement you desire but cause damage that reduces the size you already have.

Regaining The Lost

In general, the most effective way to achieve permanent increases in penis size involves working from the inside out. There are a few devices and exercises that can give you the results you want, with little risk of damage as long as you follow the directions as carefully as possible. However, you should still discuss the situation with your health-care provider and let him or her monitor your progress as you pursue your chosen enhancement regimen. As part of that regimen, you should consider taking an all-natural herbal supplement containing the most powerful combination of growth-encouraging biochemical compounds known. (SEE: Herbal Formula for Penile Enlargement) Aside from providing high doses of hormones like IGF-1 and IGF-2 (Insulin-Llike Growth Factor) and testosterone to feed your penile tissues, this supplement will enhance blood circulation, allowing your cells greater access to nutrients and removing wastes.

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Views: 93

Ideas: Men's, Penis Enlargement

Blog ID: 60990

[Comments -]
Joan Mcnally
11/19/2023 5:45:00 PM
My husband has been trying to gain some extra inches lately. I feel like I've been very supportive throughout his process, but secretly I feel like he's going about it the wrong way. He seems to think that masturbating once daily will do the trick. I actually wouldn't classify what he's doing as really masturbating. It's more like a pulling technique I suppose? Whatever he's doing, it doesn't seem like he's enjoying the experience. He's definitely determined.

I was just wondering if there's any way to tell him that I think he needs to change his course of action, without hurting his feelings? I want to stay positive so that he will not become discouraged, but I'm beginning to question whether penile growth is even a possibility. Personally, I don't think he needs the added inches, I like him just the way he is. I am more than satisfied in the bedroom. It just seems so important to him, and I want to help.

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