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Wiped Out after Climax

Peri-menopausal woman is experiencing bizarre effects, post-orgasm. She exhibits symptoms synonymous with extreme exhaustion—dizziness, cramping, loss of hearing, and trouble thinking. What is causing this troubling condition?
Case #:1283

Following an intense orgasm, I feel a rush on the right side of my head and a dull in my hearing. My jaw on the right side only then goes into a cramp and locks up. My tongue seems to swell and my speech becomes slurred. I feel dizzy and have trouble thinking. I sit down and the symptoms pass in 5 minutes or so. This has happened now 3 times. I have been experiencing menopausal hot flashes, mildly, only at night, for approx. 2 years now. I have no other dysfunction related to sex or my overall health. I am 5'3" tall and weigh 125 pounds. Healthy and active. Married 30 years.

I’m sure this disorder is very frightening for you! However, it is simply explained, and we will have you back to normal in no time. There are two forces at work here: the first is the loss of blood from your head; the second is the concomitant onrush of adrenaline and cortisol.
What Happens to All That Blood?

At the moment of orgasm, the blood from your body rushes downwards to fuel the intense exchange happening below. This is the cause of your lightheadedness, dizziness, rushing, and dullness of hearing. It’s similar to standing up too fast after lying down; the change in blood volume and pressure puts you in a pre-synoptic state.
Menopause and Cortisol

At the same time, as you’re beginning to go through menopause, your body’s basal levels of cortisol are probably rising. Scientists aren’t sure why cortisol levels increase during menopause, but it’s thought to have something to do with falling levels of progesterone and estrogen, and the cyclical event of progesterone conversion to cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone, and the cause of panic attacks and severe anxiety in many menopausal women.
Fight, Flight, or Panic Attack?

Adrenaline is produced during the entire sex act. It increases circulation and heartbeat, but also triggers the fight or flight response, when acting in conjunction with noradrenaline. Both chemicals increase during sex, but are meant to drop off directly after orgasm. It seems to me that either your body forgets to stop production on these chemicals post-orgasm, or your body isn’t properly handling the elevated levels that occur during sex.
Serotonin and Noradrenaline

You may have heard of SNRIs or SSRIs as treatment for people with depression, that’s because serotonin is the natural counterpart to noradrenaline production. Serotonin levels drop way off after orgasm, and I think that the absence of moderating serotonin is what’s causing your swollen tongue, cramping, and slurred speech.
How to Help

To control this issue, I recommend that you first see your doctor. Issues with blood volume and pressure can be quite serious, and there might be an underlying cause at work there. Other than that, I recommend beginning a detoxifying herbal treatment. Using herbs that boost the power of your body to remove the excess adrenaline and noradrenaline will certainly help with your horrible side effects. Not only that, but if you take steps to raise your progesterone levels, your hot flashes will diminish, and so will the effects of excess cortisol.
The herbal tincture I’m recommending here is strongly detoxifying, and I think it will give you the best solution to your problem. (TRY: Natural Herbal Tincture for Sexual Exhaustion) Menopause is a sticky situation for everyone involved, but your great health will certainly see you through it better than most. Good luck!

What to do

Herbal Tincture For Female Sexual Exhaustion

In today’s high stress and demanding world, many women complain that they are simply worn out. When it comes to love making they just can’t get themselves motivated.

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Views: 174

Ideas: Women's, Female Sexual Exhaustion

Blog ID: 60789

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