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Used and Abused

She has masturbated since she was a teenager, utilizing shower jets and vibrators. She was masturbating every day, but now she only masturbates twice per week. However, she has become less sensitive, and is now not able to achieve orgasm during sex. Has she damaged her clitoris? Will she regain sensation?

Case #: 1496


I have been masturbating since I was 15 years old. The first time I did was in the shower with the shower jet; I then moved on to vibrators. I used to masturbate every day but I have since cut down to only about 2 times every week. All this masturbation has made me a lot less sensitive and is not allowing me to achieve an orgasm during sex. When I use a vibrator or shower jet it’s a whole different story. I have been reading and I think I might have damaged the nerve endings. Will I ever get any sensation back? Please help me. I want to be able to orgasm and have sex that I can feel.


It does sound as though you’ve done some damage to your clitoris. Extended use of vibrators or percussive stimulation can cause your clitoris to become less sensitive. However, the nerves themselves probably aren’t damaged, they’re simply cushioned from sensation by a layer of scar tissue.

Blocked Nerves

Your body builds this callous-like layer of scar tissue within the epidermis to protect areas that it sees as being attacked, or under abrasion. The rubbing, buzzing sensation from a vibrator can cause it to react the same way. The scar tissue makes the entire area less sensitive, and it also encircles blood vessels and nerve endings, choking them of sensation and proper circulation.

Besides an actual barrier to your sensation, scar tissue can also present difficulties with adequate blood flow, as I mentioned above. This might seem minor, until you consider that your clitoris needs to be fully engorged with blood to be completely sensitive. The scar tissue and the resulting inflammation can cramp your tiny capillaries, causing the clitoris to only partly engorge, or in extreme cases, to not engorge at all.

Not Intense Enough

Clitoral exposure during sex is much less direct than with the use of a vibrator or water jet. With your clitoris being in a desensitized state, it’s no wonder that you aren’t experiencing orgasm during sex. Have you tried using positions that provide more intense clitoral sensation? That would definitely increase your likelihood of having an orgasm during sex. Girl-on-top is a good way for a woman to stimulate both her clitoris and be penetrated as well.

Remove to Heal

In order to restore your clitoral sensitivity, you must remove this scar tissue presence, and prevent your body from forming more. Unfortunately, any stimulation of the area once the scar tissue has begun being produced will cause the area to become further inflamed, and will make it even less sensitive. You must try to resist manipulating the area for some time, at least in a rough manner.

I’d recommend beginning an herbal formula designed to repair your clitoral and vaginal tissues. (TRY: Natural Formula for Vaginal Restoration & Repair) By cleansing the body of scar tissue, your reproductive area will be replenished with fresh, healthy, delicate tissue that allows for better sensation. This formula also helps to strengthen circulation, which, as I mentioned above, is imperative for a healthy sexual response. Finally, this remedy strengthens the body’s detoxification abilities through the kidneys and liver, which removes the presence of inflammation and reduces scarring.

I’m sure that by the use of this tonic you will no longer be having solo orgasms!

What to do

VRP Formula I – Vaginal Regeneration & Repair

Age, long-term vibrator abuse, hormone imbalance, and toxins damage vaginal tissues, nerve endings, and the uterus endometrium, while an aged vagina and uterus can disrupt endocrine system from functioning properly, an issue that hinders the vagina...

[More Details +]

Views: 97

Ideas: Women's, Orgasm Difficulty, Vaginal Insensitivity

Blog ID: 60726

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