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White Discharge and Birth Control

A woman needs answers about her thick, white vaginal discharge. Given that she’s on birth control, the cause can be attributed to this medication. The solution is an herbal tincture to restore vital nutrients to her immune system and eliminate her infection.

Case #: 1227


I am experiencing an odor with thick, white, cheese-like, and sour discharge. I am on birth control. Do you have any suggestions or solutions? Thank you.


Approximately 150 million women from around the world take prescription birth control. It is not only a way to prevent pregnancy, but also a remedy for PMS. In addition, birth control allows women the same sexual freedom as men so they are equals in the bedroom.

But oral contraceptives come with a host of dangers often shoved under the rug. Side effects that include reduced libido and irregular bleeding are accepted as “normal” because they accompany birth control – a medication that, prescribed by doctors, must be safe. But such experiences are not normal, and the pill effects a woman’s body on a multitude of levels. It also interferes with health to create unpleasant changes like vaginal discharge.

Deciding Whether or Not Discharge is Healthy

All females experience vaginal discharge, although the characteristics of this fluid vary significantly. Discharge is responsible for keeping the vagina moist and clean. It expels dead cells, dirt and bacteria while also contributing to the vagina’s highly acidic environment. That environment is crucial to keeping harmful bacteria at bay and promoting the growth of healthy bacteria.

But not all discharge works for the benefit of the vagina. Some indicate illness or disease. When ruling out whether or not your discharge is normal, alarming colors to look for include yellow, green or gray. Other characteristics like a foul odor or cheese-like consistency suggest a woman has a bacterial or fungus infection.

Birth Control and Immunity

Birth control reduces immunity by decreasing vital nutrients in the body. Specifically, it causes declines in zinc, vitamin C and magnesium levels. A deficiency in just one of these nutrients can make a woman more susceptible to illness and cause further problems like fatigue, insomnia and muscle cramps. Lacking in all three of them can seriously impugn your reproductive health.

The immune system plays a key role in preventing vaginal infections. A weak immunity can cause the vagina’s pH levels to drop, thereby encouraging the growth of unhealthy bacteria. Once that bacteria begins to reproduce, the body can have a difficult time fighting it off. Swarms of bacteria and/or fungi can cause infection and spur troublesome vaginal discharge.

Of course, an undernourished immune system also compromises the body’s ability to fight illness. This means that whether or not the vagina’s pH levels are changed, harmful bacteria can grow prolifically in a woman on birth control because her body is too weak to stop it. Natural defenses must be strong in order to maintain the vagina’s fragile and acidic environment.

Improve Your Health the Natural Way

A woman’s body is her temple, and the best ways to take care of it is with a balanced diet and regular exercise. It’s also prudent to avoid chemicals and toxins when possible. To deter from vaginal infections, wear cotton underwear, avoid sugary foods and refrain from wearing tight, constrictive pants.

For relief from your vaginal discharge, turn to the ancient healing practice known as an herbal tincture. (SEE: Botanical Tincture for Abnormal Vaginal Discharge) These beverages are composed of herbs that target troubled areas in the body. The key difference between a tincture and any other remedy is that the herbs soak for several days in alcohol to extract their medicinal properties. It is a potent and proven way to restore balance to your body.

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Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Discharge

Blog ID: 60419

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