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Purging Papules Prior To Premier Poontang

A young man has discovered that he has papules, and wants to get rid of them before he becomes sexually active. Is it possible? If so, what are the options and what are the risks? Read on, get the facts, and find out!

Case #: 1619


I have some questions about pearly penile papules that I am hoping you can help me with. A little bit about myself, I am only 15 years old and uncircumcised. I am still a virgin and ever since I was 13 years old I realized there were some odd things in my penis that I later found out were pearly penile papules. My questions are pretty simple, will these ever go away and how common are they? I am relieved that this isn't an STD and it is sort of normal because I am not the only one with it. The reason I want to find out how to get rid of them is because I am afraid a girl will find them to be a turn off. Please help me answer the questions. I would be very pleased with any help you can provide me. Thank you.


A guy has a curious relationship with his penis. It's what defines him as being a “male” but he's not supposed to talk about except with his doctor or his lover. It's also supposed to be huge, but he isn't supposed to brag about it. Also, he generally looks at it several times a day: once when he washes it, the rest of the time when he urinates. And thanks to the modern miracle of the Internet, virtually every man and woman on the planet has access to millions upon millions of images of how a “normal” penis is supposed to look, so when a man discovers that his penis does not meet the “standard”, he can become concerned.

The sudden appearance of a spread of tiny growths resembling blisters forming around the rim of the penis-head might be cause for some alarm, even for those who are somewhat familiar with sexually-transmitted diseases. For a young man who has retained his virginity, it can be downright terrifying. So let's take a closer look at the phenomenon to determine the best responses.

What Are They?

Unfortunately, there is as yet no universally-accepted answer. The current front-runner among the theories about them is that they are vestiges from humanity's primitive ancestors; many primate species known today demonstrate full-fledged penile spines, and the phenomenon seems to appear in males from every racial and ethnic origin in a roughly even spread across the globe. Papules are also slightly more common in the uncircumcised than the circumcised.

The most important thing to remember about them is that they are not sexually-transmitted. You can neither “catch” them from your partner, nor “give” them to her. For what it's worth, female experience their own version of papules, called Vestibular papillomatosis.

Why Did I Get Them?

Like their origins, what makes them appear is still undetermined. Persistent urban myths attribute their appearance as a result of keeping the penis “too wet”; i.e., from “too much sex”. As you yourself can attest, this did not trigger your papules.

How Can I Get Rid Of Them?

It's possible to get them removed by trained medical personnel, but the procedures are considered “elective” unless the patient experiences serious problems with them; in other words, your health insurance probably won't cover the procedure and you'll have to pay for it yourself.

There are many home-remedies available, but most of them run a risk of causing discomfort, permanent damage and even mutilation or worse. One recommended remedy is using Iodine Solution. Iodine is a very important chemical element for thyroid hormone synthesis, and the commonly-available iodine solution has powerful disinfectant and antiseptic properties.


Unlike most other home-remedies, the Iodine Solution does not offer many medical risks. In fact, the solution may even assist with cellular rejuvenation when used properly. The only real risk is to your clothes, as still-wet Iodine Solution will probably stain them.

If you choose to use this remedy, I still recommend mentioning it to your health-care provider for an expert's opinion on your progress. Beyond that, follow the directions and be patient while the stuff does its work. It may take three weeks or longer to see the results you desire, so be persistent. Good luck!

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Views: 161

Ideas: Men's, Penis Pain & Injury

Blog ID: 60133

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