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Masturbation Induced Damage To The Penis: Repairing the Damage

His excessive masturbation has caused a bevy of health problems.

Case #: 29904


I am the first to admit that I have a bit of a masturbation problem. My day is not complete until I choke the chicken. If I have not masturbated in a day, I find any means for releasing my pent up sexual energy. I will cancel meetings with friends. I will stay up past my normal bedtime. Heck, I will leave work early just to masturbate. Am I an addict? Yes, somewhat. But come on, there are worse addictions that exist than masturbation.

Along with masturbation, I used to do meth (speed). It made masturbation way more intense and pleasurable. After a year of consuming meth while masturbating, I noticed a major problem occur: I no longer could gain an erection. It was if someone shut off the blood supply to my penis. Porn, stimulation, even my girlfriend could not jumpstart my erections. My penis just hung there, like a dead grape vine. What have I done to myself?


Most males do most of their experimentation with drugs at an early age. A stage you should not feel embarrassed about (beside, we don’t judge here). The problem is that drugs—collated with excessive masturbation—can create some ineffectual side effects, i.e., low sperm count, weak erections, and impotence. In your case, it appears the drugs and masturbation caused some serious damage to your main vein. Now, you are facing a serious problem: impotence.

How You Got Here

Drugs inject toxins into your body that prove harmful to both the liver and penile nerve endings. Masturbation too causes havoc by depleting the body of necessary hormones needed to power an erection, like testosterone, acetylcholine, and dopamine.

When testosterone levels remain low, your erections resemble cooked noodles. Acetylcholine, a lesser known neurotransmitter, too controls your erections, and when its levels dip, so too do your erections. While dopamine, considered a neurotransmitter as well, will see a reduction, a procedure that creates less stimulation on your penile gland.

The depletion of each of these neurochemicals will prevent the penile parasympathetic nerves from dilating your penis. Over-masturbation damages your nervous systems while it depletes your neurochemicals for seminal production. Meanwhile, your ejaculation duct too becomes abraded leading to premature ejaculation.

As for the meth, the drug injects toxins into your liver, preventing the parasympathetic nervous system, the area of the body responsible for digestion, from extracting and consuming the necessary nutrients from food. Once the parasympathetic nervous system slows, your body cannot produce the necessary hormones and neurotransmitters thanks to the lack of vitamins.

Repairing Yourself

The journey to recovery will take a while. Your body will need to eliminate all the toxic waste created by your drug habit (SEE: Crystal Meth Detox & ED Recovery) Once the liver starts to repair itself, it can continue to use up the necessary nutrients the parasympathetic nervous system digests. Your next step will be to stop all sexual activities.

No porn. No masturbation. No sex. The body needs to heal, and any sexual activity will cause further inflammation. Once you refrain from masturbation, you should start taking all-natural supplements. These products will help eliminate the toxic waste from meth and improve your erection quality faster.

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Views: 98

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Penis Pain & Injury

Blog ID: 59450

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