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Penile Numbness – Problems Related to Penile Weightlifting

Here we find a young man who has been engaging in penile exercises which are harming his member. Part of it is now numb and he also can’t seem to get a full erection that lasts. How does he fix these problems?

Case #: 1293


I, like most males in my position, wanted a larger, thicker penis. My reasoning for it was that if I could attain a larger size, my sexual relationship with my partner would be better. I looked around for the safest, most affordable method. I discovered that pumps could damage blood vessels and bruise tissue. I noticed that stretches could contort the image of the penis, and I saw that injections made for a painful experience. Instead, I decided to perform weightlifting exercises on my penis.

I performed the exercises on and off for a couple of months. I saw a significant size increase. I even noticed a much happier girlfriend thanks to my added size, but despite the increased elation both my girlfriend and I felt, our newfound liveliness did not last long.

I noticed that the head of my penis started to become numb. I loss most sensation in my penis, and I found it cumbersome to gain an erection. The times I did manage to get hard, I witnessed my erections slowly deflate like a balloon. What have I done to myself?


The age old quest for a larger penis! Men all over the world have embarked on various quests to somehow stumble upon some long lost Holy Grail of penile growth.

The Pressure to Be Bigger

No matter how many times women use that politically correct line: “it’s not the size it’s how a man uses it,” we all know that here in the real world no man is going to be causing screaming orgasms with a thimble-penis. And that is really the most common reason that you yourself have even related here; we as men want to be able to please our partner as fully as possible so that she’s fully satisfied and walks around glowing afterwards. And wow there are a lot of fake Grails out there, such as potentially dangerous surgical procedures, goofy exercises, and even bizarre penile extension devices. I even saw a truly weird Terminator penis type contraption that was supposed to extend penis length; it looked like a futuristic cybernetic device of some sort.

In your case you chose another potentially harmful gimmick; penile weight lifting routines.

Unfortunately, your penis is not a weight lifter; it doesn’t have the same musculature, and structure (including bones) that say your biceps in your arms or quadriceps in your legs do.

In fact your penis, especially when fully erect, is quite fragile. Every time that you apply pressure from weights to your penis, you are causing it to become damaged as a result of load bearing. This is resulting in the tearing of penile tissues, ruptures in local blood vessels, and severe nerve damage. Think of trying to support a 30 pound dumbbell on your pinky; doesn’t sound too appealing does it? Well that’s pretty much what you’re doing when you’re attempting to “lift weights” with your member down there.

Not only is your penis sustaining heavy nerve damage causing it to become numb in certain areas, but these harmful weightlifting exercises are also causing tiny ruptures in the interconnected chambers that normally engorge with blood, resulting in soft erections. So what are you to do in order to get things back on track?


By now you’ve probably realized that these exercises are the cause of your symptoms so you should immediately cease them altogether and rest. Taking a break will enable your body to start healing.

Consider taking a powerful botanical supplement, which contain specialized herbs which synthesize with your body’s own healing capabilities and also provide properties that are crucial to recovering from your injuries. (SEE: Herbal Formula for Penile Injury & Damage Repair) Some of the benefits of these supplements include boosting the amino acid known as arginine which helps to regulate your hormonal levels and also promotes would healing, testosterone for powering your desire and lust for sex, as well as neurotransmitter production which send signals from your brain down to your penis when it’s time for a little sexy-time. So repair yourself and get back in there (no pun intended)!

[More Details +]

Views: 169

Ideas: Men's, Penis Pain & Injury, Weak Erection

Blog ID: 60482

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