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Has The Spark Burned Out Already? Revitalizing Your Man’s Sex Life

She has run out of ways to please her man. Learn how she finally came up with the perfect idea to get the spark back in their relationship.
Case #: 1881

My husband and I have only been married for three years. We have one child that I gave birth to a year ago. I knew that when we had the baby, our sex life would drastically change and we might go through a few dry spells here and there. However, I was not expecting to go actual months without touching each other. I feel like we've lost that urge to rip one another's clothes off and go at it like bunnies. Will it ever come back?

There's definitely something to be said for that magical time before marriage and children. Do you remember how your relationship was before you were married? Before you had to worry about early morning feedings, making dinner on time, and joint bank accounts? Now, looking back on that time, it probably seems like you were practically dancing on air.
Babies In The Bedroom

You were probably so deeply head over heels in love that you could barely see straight. The vibes between you and your significant other always seemed to be sexually charged, and you could barely keep your hands off each other. There was always time for sex. You could do it in the morning, in the shower, before either of you had even thought about brushing your teeth!
You could do it in the afternoon before lunch. You could even do it before and after work. . .Which most likely just seems ridiculous now. The point is, you were both interested in making time for one another. Yes, most of that time was spent between the sheets, but you couldn't get enough of it, could you?
Love And Marriage

As many of us know, committing ourselves to a relationship that will hopefully stand the test of time, takes some serious work. A lot of people might argue that if they got married to their partner, nothing would change. However, something has to change. Like it or not, signing a lifelong contract with someone changes things. Not for the good, not for the bad, just for the difference.
Of course, you are going to be tired after a long day at work, and if you already have a child, that's going to wear you out too. Tiredness aside, you must cut out some little space in time for just the two of you. Have a date night. Get a babysitter. Just because you are a mother now, does not mean that your time of being a sexual human being has come and gone. In order for your husband to see you as a sexually desirable entity, you must see it too.
The Seven Year Itch

We can all learn a little something from history. Studies have shown that the once fatal seven year itch has now been cut short to a measly two years! Couples seem to be getting bored with their sex lives even faster than ever before, which is ludicrous, because there is also more literature available on sex tips, tricks, and flips than ever before.
It's really quite amazing how in depth some of the articles and books on different walks of sexual interactions are these days. (SEE: Books and Articles for Enhanced Sex) There's just a wealth of knowledge out there waiting for you to discover it.
It is my belief, that with the help of these texts, you may easily shake the sexy spice back into your life. It just takes some dedication. You've already dedicated your lives to one another, I'm sure you can spare some dedication for the bedroom. Sex is an important part of any couple's relationship. It's our way of sharing our love, and our bodies with one another. That urge you are talking about will come back, but you are the only ones that can make that happen.

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Views: 104

Ideas: Men's, Low Sex Drive, Sexual Wellbeing, Women's, Sexual Wellness

Blog ID: 59434

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