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To Bust or Not to Bust – Premature Ejaculation and Weak PC Muscles

Here we consult a man suspects that his pc muscle are letting him down in a big way, and that he is now suffering from ejaculating too soon. How can he hope to solve this potentially embarrassing problem?

Case #: 1423


How can I strengthen my pc muscles? I have noticed that they are really weak and this is the reason behind my premature ejaculation. I have tried several things but I just don't know what helps the pc muscles directly. Can you please help? I am an 18 year old male and masturbate 1 to 3 times a week. I don't know if this is considered over masturbation but I know it doesn't necessarily make my pc muscles any stronger, but weaker.


You’re cold chillin’ at a college dorm party one night; well actually you’re just standing around by yourself looking like a dork since you’re pretty geeky and uncool. Anyway, you’re sipping on your nightly allotment of one beer when you suddenly get the urge to go and take a pee-pee. You start to make your way toward the bathroom while trying to keep your poor beer from being spilt by all of the fellow students around you that are dancing, jumping up and down, and generally staggering around drunk. You’re just about there when you notice a really hot girl looking your way…wait; she’s looking right at you!

What Just Happened?

Your heart flutters as you turn and look back to see if she’s looking at some studly guy standing behind you which is usually the case. No one is there! There’s a mirror right next to you so you lean over and blow on your thick coke bottle bottom glasses and wipe them; making sure they are spot and dust free. You’re sure she didn’t notice that…oh no…as you look back into the mirror you see her face in the distance, and that she noticed the whole thing, so you commence to glance up at the ceiling as if suddenly noticing something of interest there.

When you get your fragile confidence back up, you turn back toward her and see she is giggling and staring at you, but not in a hurtful way. That urge to take a leak is stronger than ever, but you can’t be distracted by that now because of the seemingly fortuitous events unfolding.

Eventually, she ends up approaching you and you strike up a conversation. She seems to dig you! This must be some sort of joke, you tell yourself. But, in moments she wants to go back to your dorm room. Your nerd friends look at you with perplexed expressions, mouths gaping wide open as she takes your hand and whisks you away. Man, you really gotta wiz and now it’s almost burning; but there’s no time for that now! You get back to your room, you get naked, and then you do the nasty. After, a couple of minutes of heavenly bliss, you suddenly explode in a quick climax. She looks at you with an expression of extreme disappointment. What the hell just happened?

You are correct in your assertion that weak pc muscles are the culprit of your premature ejaculation. But look a little closer to the silly scenario above and you’ll notice a couple of things. For example, our nerdy friend got the urge to urinate before he even finished a single beer. This is indicative of weak pc muscles. If you hold back your urine too often, you can weaken your pc muscles to the point that they won’t be able to hold back your seminal fluids when you want to, and unfortunately and embarrassing results as described above can occur. So how do we get those suckers back up to par and strong again?

Paying Attention to the Tension

You heard it here first: Kegle Exercises aren’t just for women. Yes, we guys can also do them. There are a couple of ways that you can do these:

  1. Insert your finger into your anus and squeeze your muscles; you’ll be able to feel your pc muscle rise while contracting. When you relax, you’ll feel your pelvic floor return to its normal position. Contract your pelvic floor for 6 sets of 5 repetitions each (yes, this is a workout). Gradually increase the reps upward until you get to 10. Concentrate and don’t flex or tighten your legs, abs, or buttocks.
  2. When you take a leak, cut off your urination 3 to 4 times and hold it for 10 seconds each time.

Doing these exercises will get you used to the technique and it will become second nature. (TRY: Kegel Exercises for Controlled Ejaculation) That means you’ll be able to do them as you’re talking on the phone, chilling out at the beach, or just driving your car down the street. And don’t worry, you won’t become anal retentive or anything [wink].

[More Details +]

Views: 151

Ideas: Men's, Premature Ejaculation

Blog ID: 59367

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