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When Desire Gets the Best of You: Addiction to Sex Can Lead to Physical Problems Like Hair Loss

After watching a documentary on the perils of sex addiction, he realized he, too, is addicted. He over-masturbates and is now experiencing hair loss as a result. An herbal formula will help cleanse his body of excessive chemicals and also promote hair growth.

Case #: 707


I saw a documentary titled “Sex Addiction.” The premise was to take three ordinary males and turn them into sexual deviants by forcing them to watch porn every day for a month. After the first month, each male exhibited signs of sex addiction and noticed signs of over-masturbation.

After seeing the movie, I, too, began to investigate symptoms of over-masturbation, mostly because I saw how much I loved to masturbate. Now, after reading several Guides, I noticed that I have experienced hair loss thanks to my addiction. What am I to do?


Many seemingly innocent things in life can become addictions, including shopping and eating. Also included in this list is masturbation. Solo sex normally provides health benefits that range from stress relief to the body’s release of painkilling chemicals. But when it interferes with routine activities and produces side effects like hair loss, all benefits it might yield are negated.

An Intimate Look at Masturbation

It can be hard to explain masturbation as a harmful activity because, in a sense, it doesn’t hurt anyone. It is a normal way of expressing your sexuality without infringing upon others. Masturbation is even recommended as a way to overcome such sexual dysfunctions as the inability to reach orgasm.

But masturbation does start to hurt others when a person takes time away from friends and family to engage. Some people isolate themselves because they feel shame afterward, while others spend hours or even days looking at porn and repeatedly indulging. Still other people masturbate every day so that it’s built into their routines.

Why People Over-Masturbate

The desire to masturbate does not, as you might believe, start in the genitals. Sexual responses instead start in the brain. Masturbation and sex are so pleasurable because both acts flood the brain with dopamine. This chemical helps control the reward center of the brain, and its release creates a feeling of “high” not unlike that of drugs. In addition to sex, this chemical is released during other “rewarding” activities like eating and exercising.

People engage in masturbation because it feels good both physically and physiologically. Some engage with greater frequency to maintain the “high.” You can liken this behavior to that of a drug addict. With time, however, a continued release of dopamine reduces the number of receptors in the brain and leads to desensitization. This means masturbation must be engaged with increasing frequency for the same sense of reward to be produced.

Side Effects of Masturbation

During ejaculation, the brain and adrenal glands release many chemicals and hormones. Climax wouldn’t even be possible without this release. The result is a significant change in body chemistry, and that change becomes even more pronounced with over-masturbation.

The body is designed to be in a state of constant balance, whether speaking about hormones or organ function. Physical symptoms arise when an imbalance occurs, which explains the many side effects seen with over-masturbation. These effects include memory loss, lack of concentration and fatigue. Hair loss is a highly visible symptom that tends to plague men more than women. The explanation again rests in chemistry.

Male baldness ensues when hair follicles are sensitive to DHT, a male sex hormone released during ejaculation. The connection is easy to make: over-masturbation leads to higher frequency of ejaculation and excessive levels of DHT. The hormone in turn causes hair follicles to die. Contrary to popular myth, this phenomenon has nothing to do with physically touching your penis.

Regain Control

Your first step is to stop masturbating and learn to incorporate a healthy balance of many activities in your life. In the meantime, a natural herbal supplement will encourage new hair growth. Ingredients like Cuscuta and Ginkgo Biloba (FORMULATED: herbal hair follicle regrowth remedy) not only stimulate hair follicles but also improve liver functions to expel excess DHT from your body. The result will be greater control over your life and a healthy head of hair sure to build your self-confidence.

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Views: 157

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation

Blog ID: 59250

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