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Erectile Problems Caused By an Enlarged Prostate

As you age and grow, so too does your prostate. It’s one of few organs in the body that grows with age. As it enlarges, the nerves and blood vessels become impinged, inflating the prostate. When the prostate experiences constriction to the nerves and blood vessels, the organ cannot release urine flow properly. Instead, the prostate acts as a constricted garden hose: building pressure while being unable to exude the urine fast enough to impede urinary tract problems.
What's worse, prostate enlargement can lead to erectile disorders. According to a recent research study, scientists found a strong correlation between the two conditions. According to the study, 50 percent of all men surveyed with prostate enlargement reported impaired erectile function while 10 percent of those men were unable to get an erection at all. Those figures rose to 67 percent and 16 percent, respectively, in men with moderate BPH symptoms, while 82 percent of men with severe symptoms reported impaired erection function and 18 percent of those men reported complete impotence. [1]

Avenues for Reducing Enlargement: Drugs or Surgery

When prostate enlargement became a prevalent medical issue, doctors devised two means of controlling the problem: drugs and surgery. Doctors preferred the former approach as a low-cost means for reducing the inflammation. When BPH drugs first appeared, the drugs dominated the industry, reducing prostate size and improving urinary flow. Except certain BPH medications came with an alternative effect: erectile dysfunction. Doctors changed their rational of thinking and began prescribing a new form of prostate enlargement treatment: erectile drugs. Erectile drugs inhibited PDE-5 levels said to enlarge the prostate, but the medications came with their own slew of side effects, including headaches, nausea and blurry vision. 
But why are BPH drugs harmful? BPH drugs target and reduce the 5-alpha-reductase that elevates DHT levels in the body. DHT levels, along with testosterone, help fuel sex drive by producing Nitric Oxide, a chemical that controls blood flow. Lower Nitric Oxide levels means lower blood flow into penile chamber, which weakens your overall erectile capacity.
Where do erectile drugs fit into the equation? Remember those PDE-5 levels that were suspected of enlarging the prostate? Well, PDE-5 levels create another small problem: reducing Nitric Oxide production.
Men who refused to take the medications were provided with another viable option--prostate surgery. Doctors would snip away at the enlarged prostate gland to help improve urinary flow. Except the problem was some doctors would accidentally cut away at nerve endings surrounding the prostate. The nerve endings, which acted as bridges of communication between the penis and the brain, could no loner relay information from the brain to the penis causing impotence—permanent impotence.

Natural Solution

Think of prostate as a miniature-sized stress ball. The more you squeeze and apply pressure to it, the weaker it becomes. A weakened, inflamed prostate can result in testicular pain, premature ejaculation, urinary problems and yes, erectile dysfunction. Men who experience an enlarged prostate need two key chemicals present in their bodies: balanced DHT levels to lower prostate enlargement and a stable production of nitric oxide to maintain a healthy erection.

Thanks to all-natural alternatives, such as many powerful herbs from Botanical Prostate Rejuvenation & Detox For Erectile Problems, can balance the DHT buildup while sustain sufficient nitric oxide levels to prevent erectile dysfunction.


^1 "Urology"; Association of Sexual Dysfunction With Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms of BPH and BPH Medical Therapies: Results From the BPH Registry; Raymond C. Rosen et al.; March 2009.

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Views: 106

Ideas: Men,Impotence,Weak Erection

Blog ID: 59154

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