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Terrible Accident that Fractured His Penis.

His girlfriend cracked and injured his erect penis and now he is suffering from erectile dysfunction.

Case #: 30552


A tragic accident had happened to me; while I was erected my girlfriend sat it unintentionally. I felt a crack and from then on my erections became weak. It has been 3 months since this has happened and I have hard time getting hard. Too embarrassed to have my family check it out, since he knows me too well. I am very worried that this will ruin my sex life. Will my penis ever be how it was before?


You have experienced a fractured penis and should have absolutely not waited this long to get help. A severe penile fracture (with persistent pain) is generally considered a medical emergency. Sometimes emergency medical surgical repair is the usual treatment. If untreated the injury may result erectile dysfunction, permanent penile curvature, damage to the urethra, and pain during sexual intercourse. Either overcome your embarrassment to seek an urologist or ask your family doctor for a referral.

A penis fracture can occur when there is trauma to the erect penis, resulting in rupture of the cylinder lining. This very painful injury is often accompanied by an audible cracking sound, followed immediately by dark bruising of the penis due to blood escaping the cylinder. In ten to thirty percent of penis fractures, the urethra is damaged and blood may be visible at the urinary opening of the penis.

The most common cause of penile injury is dangerous sexual intercourse positing, accounting for about 30%-50% of cases. Woman-on-top positions resulting in impact against the female pelvis or perineum and bending laterally are most common. Another cause is abusive and forceful masturbation for a long period of time.

Dietary supplementation is a healthy and effective means of treatment. Herbs from Penile Fracture & Trauma Recovery Solution contains various nutrients, natural amino acids, and minerals that necessary to rejuvenate and restored from the damaged blood vessels and tissues inside the penis.

Healing herbs such as Platycladus, Glycyrrhizae Radix, Alima Plantago, Sarsaparilla Jamaican, Curculigo, Morinda Officinalis, Tribulus Terrestis, Maca, and Rhodiola Rosea contain natural nutrients and steroids that are known to rejuvenate the blood vessels for the bruised penis. They also increase the blood circulation in the genital area, recycle abnormal fibrous tissues, and help endothelial tissue within the penis to heal quicker.

To prevent penis injury, it is highly recommended not to experiment with sexual or masturbatory activity that puts the erect penis at risk for fracture. In addition, when playing sports, it is always advisable to wear an athletic supporter to protect the genitals.

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Blog ID: 58746

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