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Excessive Ejaculation Is Linked to Prostate Inflammation Among Young Adults
A recent publication of large cohort studies has indicated that, specifically, over-masturbation and excessive ejaculation is linked to prostate inflammation among young adults. Dr. Peng from Chongqing Medical University explained that a high level of lactic acid and free radical build-up occurs during an intense contraction of the pelvic muscles to ejaculate semen. This happens due to over masturbation.
The severity of chronic prostatitis caused by over masturbation develops in stages. First, at the ‘problematic’ stage, the sufferer experiences fatigue and a weak erection. The ‘severe’ stage finds him with lower back pain and insomnia. The ‘addictive’ stage manifests itself in the form of premature ejaculation and pelvic cramps. The final ‘severely addictive’ stage encompasses all of the aforementioned symptoms, plus prostate and urination pain and overly frequent urination urgency.
Normally the body has various enzymes and anti-oxidative mechanisms to recycle lactic acid, free radical, and excessive metabolite waste. But for many young adults that have been addicted to pornography or experience poor metabolism, the toxic build-up is beyond what the body can handle. Many additional pathological processes happen during the toxic build up. The pathophysiological changes such as edema, venous dilation and muscular malfunction often occurred within the prostate causing inflammation that leads to pain.

Dr. Nickel from Canada’s Queen’s University has further studied the Category III chronic prostatitis that suffered excoriating painful ejaculation. Long term excessive sexual activities that might triggered alpha-1-adrenoceptor activation resulted in a prolonged smooth muscle contraction in the prostate and bladder. Take herbal supplements from prostate recovery formula to help you get back in track again.
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Views: 268

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Inflammation

GuideID: 62062

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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