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Drip, Drip, Drip—A Leaky Penis Caused By Excessive Masturbation

Picture pouring water into a balloon with a hole. The balloon will fill up, but eventually, it will become deflated. As with the balloon and the water, when excessive pre-cum leaks, the penis will become deflated. For men, the loss of an erection during intercourse can be the source of much embarrassment. Men need to stay erect in order to continue to perform. Without an erection, all pleasure and sensation becomes lost.
Leaky penis,” also known as seminal leakage, becomes released during foreplay or masturbation. Maintaining a hard erection continuously consumes energy (in the form of biochemical’s such as Nitric Oxide and neurotransmitters). People who suffer from sexual exhaustion (by masturbating abusively) often have weakened their parasympathetic nerves that control the ejaculation valve.

Men with leaky penis may want to stymie the problem before it leads to further issues, i.e., premature ejaculation. Men who wish to stop the problem need to stop masturbating. Excessive masturbation not only weakens the ejaculation valve, it diminishes the hormones and proliferates the production of the inflammatory enzyme prostaglandin E2, which can enlarge the prostate, and lead to impotence and erectile dysfunction.

Strength of Ejaculation Valve 

Men may also want to take an all-natural solution to help rebuild the strength of the ejaculation valve to prevent any further leakage, such as Seminal & Bladder Control Secret Formulation For Him. Taking the formula will help stabilize the production of nerve tissue inside the valve for better control over the release of pre-cum. As the body relaxes from masturbation, it will stabilize the production of hormones and repair any damaged nerve and tissue endings caused by the excessive masturbation.

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Views: 290

Ideas: Men's, Leaky PenisOver, Masturbation

GuideID: 61455

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