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Wrap It Up Already – Male Orgasmic Disorder Caused by Low Sex Drive
Premature ejaculation is probably the biggest worry for men when it comes to the topic of endurance. However, the opposite can be just as frustrating and embarrassing. We all want to last a good while in the sack, but all good things must come to an end sometime, right?
Those who suffer from male orgasmic disorder caused by low sex drive experience an inability to orgasm no matter how long they have sex. It often produces detrimental psychological effects like depression and anxiety, as well as social ones, such as a loss of intimacy with a partner who feels responsible. Overcoming male orgasmic disorder is crucial to restoring a man’s self-confidence and intimacy in his romantic relationships.
Causes of Male Orgasmic Disorder
As we age, it is natural for us men to see the potent sex drive and frequent urges we had as younger men fade away. This is because our testosterone levels diminish as we grow older. 
It’s true that in some cases, it is psychological. Stress and anxiety can surely have such effects on one’s sexual performance, but in the majority of cases, a low level of sex hormones is responsible. Factors like abdominal obesity can also result in lower testosterone levels. In younger men, low testosterone is often a result of sexual exhaustion due to excessive masturbation or ejaculation.
Getting Back On Track
Having low levels of testosterone aren’t the end of your sex life as you know it. Eating a healthy, well-rounded diet and getting exercise can help a great deal with putting gas back in the tank. 
Also, thanks to our orgasm disorder herbal remedy for men, it’s possible to experience heightened sensitivity for improved orgasm abilities. It also stimulates the production of testosterone for better sex and longer, more intense orgasms.
  • Enhanced sensitivity and pleasure
  • Improved ejaculatory contractions for longer lasting orgasms
  • Stimulated natural testosterone hormone production
  • Increased blood flow to the genital area
  • Higher production and potency of nitric oxide

A number of ongoing thermal imaging studies have shown that by the fourth month of using this formula, areas like the bladder and penis experience increased metabolic and cellular activity, and a greater volume of sperm is produced. Test subjects were also found to have testosterone levels, libidos and erection qualities that were back to or better than normal. This natural remedy has been proven to save men’s waning sex lives in just a matter of months.

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Views: 217

Ideas: Men's, Low Sex Drive, male orgasm disorder

GuideID: 60242

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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