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Menopause- Sexual Desire Subject to Change
Low sex drive remains common among aging women.  As we age, sex is no longer critical for us. It loses its satisfaction. It becomes lackluster and old—like a used up handbag ready for the donation bin.

In fact, women, compared to men, are two to three times more likely to be affected by low sex drive as they age. The cause for our ebbing sex drive--menopause. According to research, nearly 40 percent of women experience low sex drive during this stage in their lives. 
Low Libido, Big Health Implications 
Sex drive normally peaks when progesterone, estrogen and testosterone are balanced. However during the onset of peri-menopause, estrogen experiences an imbalance that alters libido levels. A lower estrogen level will too lead to insomnia, fatigue, night sweats, vaginal dryness and fuzzy thinking.
These symptoms can undermine sexual motivation and drive.  They can make daily life miserable. Some women may experience self esteem issues; others, depressed. Those of you with a faltering libido no longer have to feel anxiety or suffer in silence.

If you haven't been in the mood lately, continue reading.  It's time to boost your libido and nourish your adrenals, while improving your overall health at the same time.
No Such Thing as a Pharmaceutical Fix 
Unfortunately, no pharmaceutical fix exists for women with low sex drive. When faced with low libido, men often turn to performance enhancing drugs that can improve performance.  For years, drug companies have been trying to concoct a drug for female sexual dysfunction. But a woman’s libido is more complex physically and emotionally than a man’s is. 
Properly Reverse a Lack of Female Libido

In order to treat a low libido caused by a physical factor, a natural hormone-balancing program is often a practical solution. This involves a healthy exercise and diet routine which are vital for hormone balance.  

In addition, the lost of sexual desire can easily be reversed if you balanced hormones through the right herbal supplementation. Research studies have shown that menopausal women with low sex drive can improve their libido when taking DHEA as a supplement. Young Again-Revive Passion for Menopausal Women shows you how to boost your libido with a DHEA supplement.

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Views: 323

Ideas: Women's,Low Sex Drive,Menopause

GuideID: 60224

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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