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The Inches You Risk Losing From Cigarettes: A Guide to Cigarette-Induced Penis Shrinkage, Impotence and Growth

From the ‘50s to the late ‘90s, the Marlboro Man dominated tobacco ads. He was an icon, a macho man, a fictionalized figure who become the Ronald McDonald of the tobacco industry. The Marlboro Man became so popular, men wanted to mimic his image; women, desired his manliness. But if the Marlboro Man smoked cigarettes as much as the people he marketed to, he may have suffered from

  • Atherosclerosis
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Coronary thrombosis
  • Cerebral thrombosis
  • High blood pressure
  • Kidney failure
  • Impotence
  • Penis Shrinkage

For a man who displays this macho image, being unable to maintain or gain an erection seems a bit ironic. According to the CDC, cigarettes damage more than just an erection; cigarettes ruin everything from the lungs and brain to the heart and veins. While much of the evidence seems to suggest that cigarette use—both chronic and occasional—numbs erectile nerves, new research continues to point to a growing danger: The damage tobacco causes to erectile size and even erectile enlargement efforts.

What The Studies Say About Cigarettes, Impotence and Shrinkage

The University of Kentucky conducted a study on the sex lives of smokers and non-smokers. According to the report, researchers noticed non-smokers saw higher satisfaction levels with sex, a nine on a scale of one to 10; smokers, meanwhile, averaged a five on a scale of one to 10.
Why such a low number for smokers?
Frequent smoking damages the blood vessels, preventing blood from venturing into the penis for a hard erection. Men who habitually smoke will notice weaker erections and occasional bouts of impotence. Weak, non-existent erections can make sex, well, average. But weak erections serve as only one reason why smokers complain about their poor sex lives. According to reports, smoking damages erectile tissue, causing tissue to become less elastic. Why is this important? Inelastic tissue cannot stretch as well as elastic tissue can, and the result can cause erections to become smaller. Meanwhile, blood cannot travel well enough toward the penis for a healthy erection.
With both blood flow damaged and tissue elasticity ruined, men start to notice smaller erections. Men who take enlargement supplements or who try enlargement techniques, meanwhile, cannot experience the improved blood levels or elevated tissue expansion these methods or pills promise because of the poor tissue elasticity and blood flow caused by smoking.

Reverse Shrinkage, Improve Enlargement and Regain Erectile Strength

Quitting smoking is a challenge. Reversing shrinkage or improving your erectile size further complicates your problems. Don’t stress, and DON’T feel the urge to grab a cigarette! Focus on quitting your addiction first. Men who notice troubles regaining an erection will want to resolve their E.D. problems first by maintaining a proper diet and taking supplements, such as Natural Solutions For Smoking & Impotence, which can

  • Reverse the toxic damage that numbs erectile nerves
  • Eliminate chemicals from years of smoking to improve erectile strength

After you notice your erectile strength improve, you will need to repair the tissue damaged by years of chronic smoking. By making tissue more elastic and improving blood flow, you can try stretching techniques and supplements—and actually see results.
Men who wish to reverse penile shrinkage will want to take Botanical Concoction for Penile Tissue Rejuvenation & Growth to

  • Stop shrinkage of 1.25 inches or more
  • Reverse liver dysfunction, which damages hormone production
  • Improve DHT and HGH production

Men who may not have experienced shrinkage but have tried enlargement efforts and continue to smoke will want to take Increase Your Size with Deer Antler that

  • Provides natural growth of the spongy tissue of the penis
  • Contains IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor -1) that grows penile tissue
Diet for Smokers

Men who quit smoking will too need to change their diets to improve their erectile strength, reverse penile shrinkage and expand their current erection size. A diet should include

  • Proteins and vitamins filled with B-12 and B-6 that improve erectile strength
  • Supplement that improve blood flow and increase tissue elasticity
  • Exercise routines that expel toxins and improve blood flow

Men who grew up idolizing the Marlboro Man may now be experiencing the side effects caused by this iconic figure. He may have made smoking cool, but he caused several unwanted side effects, including penis shrinkage and impotence. If you continue to suffer from these conditions, find out how enlargement works and how you can stop the problems from becoming worse.

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Views: 265

Ideas: Men's, Penis Enlargement, smoking

GuideID: 59813

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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