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Get Rock-Hard Erections with Bitter Melon

Penis shrinkage, loss in erection firmness, and even the total loss of sexual desire are all common side effects caused by age. Aging produces a bevy of ineffectual conditions and diseases; the most common age-related ailment deals with sex. From erectile dysfunction to weak erections, some type of sexual ailment will likely affect most men in their 50s and above.

Is It Hard Yet?

Men suffering from weak erection problems know all too often the embarrassing and debilitating effects sexual dysfunctions can have on the body and human psyche. For example, weak erections, a common occurrence in elderly men, often occur because the arteries and veins see a reduction or constriction of blood flow often caused by smoking, poor diet, penile injury, medications, drug or alcohol abuse, or psychological factors.

Don’t Let Your Pleasure Activities Ruin Your Erections

Over-masturbation/ejaculation, and drug and alcohol abuse can castrate the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular and inflame the testicles, prostate, seminal vesicles, and penis due to the excessive release of prolactin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine.

The excessive binding of norepeinephrine/epinephrine to alpha-adrenergic receptors can induced excessive prostaglandin E2, an inflammatory enzyme that can damage the quality of an erection. 
Once the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular axis is tightened up, the body will lack DHEA, testosterone or/and DHT needed for improved blood flow and firmer erections.   The post-sex androgen hormones and oxytocin in the bloodstream are essential to keep blood properly flowing to the penis.

Feel The Pleasure with Bitter Melon

Men who take Bitter Melon and erectile herbs can stablize sugar level and increase testosterone naturally to help prevent a “lock up” of the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular axis to stop weak erections. Bitter melon is a cucumber-like gourd that is found in most Asian grocery stores.

Bitter melon is also the most popular, all-natural diabetes remedy in Asia that can lower blood-sugar levels. When taking Bitter Melon with Curculigo Ochoides, Sarsaparilla Jamaican, and Ashwagandha, mood, sexual desire and even erectile tissues will all improve, giving men a harder erection and satisfying sexual experience.

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Views: 747

Ideas: Men's, ImpotenceWeak, Erection

GuideID: 59736

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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