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Male Menopause and Low Sex Drive
You may have heard your wife or female friends crack jokes about men “PMS-ing” or going through “Man-o-pause” but it turns out, male menopause is in fact, a very real condition that every aging man goes through. While it includes several symptoms like moodiness, exhaustion and fatigue, often the most troubling symptom for men is a decrease in sex drive. While aging and its effects are an unavoidable fate, there are plenty of easy ways to diminish and reverse the effects of male menopause, and revive the full-steam sex drive you enjoyed so fondly in your younger years.
It’s only natural for men to experience a diminishing sex drive as they age. This occurs because with age, the adrenal glands produce less testosterone, while the body increases its production of Sex Hormone Binding Proteins, (SHBP) which work against testosterone production. Naturally, as testosterone decreases, so does one’s desire for sex. In addition, because testosterone is elemental in many sexual functions, severe depletion of testosterone causes many other symptoms as well, including weak erections and decreased stamina.

Natural Ways For Testosterone Production
Fortunately, a few simple changes to your lifestyle and diet can naturally boost your testosterone, and thus reinvigorate your sex drive. For starters, a healthy balance of rest and exercise will help your body to produce normal amounts of testosterone. Minimizing stress is also elemental, as stress (and stress eating!) leads to the production of stress hormones, which typically get deposited into the abdominal region. Extra belly fat typically contains high amounts of enzymes that convert testosterone into estrogen.
As far as healthy eating is concerned, there are several foods that encourage testosterone production. Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage contain DIM, a natural agent for decreasing or stabilizing estrogen levels in the body. In addition, as a good source of fiber, these veggies are good detoxifiers as well. Also try to incorporate seafood, oysters, seeds and nuts into your diet. These foods are typically a good source of zinc, which inhibits testosterone from converting to estrogen and also encourages sperm production. Simply enjoying a healthy diet and getting adequate exercise will not only give you a sexier body, but also boost your confidence and energy.
Xenestrogens In Your Food
Lastly, stay away from pollutants and toxins. Some toxins are easy to spot and eliminate, but many xenestrogens (chemically synthesized estrogens) hide in everyday household items, such as plastic bottles, insect repellents, and air fresheners. These toxins will only expedite testosterone degeneration, and are linked to abnormal cell growth.
If while making these diet and lifestyle changes you want to take additional measures, natural herb supplements may provide an added boost. These supplements contain herbs that naturally enhance testosterone production by interfering with the enzymes that diminish testosterone or turn it into estrogen. Since they are all natural, these supplements don’t come with a list of negative side-effects, as most prescription medications do.

Welcome Libido Back
After enjoying a healthier, balanced diet and lifestyle for awhile you will undoubtedly feel energized and rejuvenated, especially when it comes to sex. When your sex drive returns full force, your body will be ready for it!
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Views: 126

Ideas: Men's, Male Menopause, low testosterone

GuideID: 60186

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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