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A Comprehensive Guide to Penis Techniques and Exercises

5,020,000 result pages exist for the keyword “penis enhancement products.” Every day, search engines are archiving pages with these keywords, directing men to websites, making similar guarantees, offering “scientific-based” evidence, and displaying countless user-testimonials about products.

Websites that forgo selling products tend to market techniques and exercises that promise a larger, wider size. Whether you choose to buy a product or opt for a technique, you’ll find some methods work better than others. For men in search of a comprehensive guide to proven and dangerous penis techniques and exercises, here’s your list:

Common Penis Techniques and Exercises

1Stretches: Some require simple tugging and pulling of the penile tissue, while others involve massaging the tissue to push blood toward other areas of the penis. Whether it’s downward pulling or sideways stretching, penile stretches will vary.
Effectiveness: Low, most stretches provide little assistance on their own, but when combined with supplements, may boost the growth of tissue.
Best for: Enlarging the length of a penis
Danger: Medium, while most tug-and-pull stretches will present little risk of injury, overzealous men eager for faster results might bruise tissue--or worse—rupture blood vessels.
2Penile Weights: As the title implies, penile weights tack a few pounds of iron onto the head of a penis, forcing gravity to pull downward and stretch tissue.
Effectiveness: Medium, you might see some results, but the added risks place weights at a disadvantage versus other techniques.
Best for: Enlarging the length of a penis
Danger: High, weights, compared to stretches, pull the penis tissue with such force that tissue experiences bruising and blood vessels start popping.
3Kegel Exercise: Marketed as exercises that improve bladder control, some businesses have managed to sell Kegel exercise equipment for penis enhancement.
Effectiveness: Low, while Kegel exercises remain suited for resolving bladder issues, little evidence remains for stretching the length or widening the girth of the penis.
Best for: Enlarging the length and the width of a penis
Danger: Low, because Kegel exercises do not require any risky moves or equipment, they encumber the lowest risk factors.

Want to Experience Penis Enlargement? Find Out How Our Experts and Community Can Help You.
By sharing your comments and concerns on the following forum topic, Herballove experts and community members can offer tips, proper diet advice and products for improving your penis size. If you have a comment or concern, please sign in or register to post your opinions on the forums. If you want to recover, the following information can prove vital:   
  • How often do you masturbate? 
  • What do you want to grow? Length? Width? Both?
  • What’s your current age?
  • Do you experience any health conditions that could damage your penile growth? Diabetes? High Blood Pressure? Obesity?
  • Do you take any medications?
  • What does your diet consist of?
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Views: 323

Ideas: Men's, Penis Enlargement, penis exercise

GuideID: 62474

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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