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Be Firm Herbal Tincture Formula - Improving the Quality of Erection

Weakness is a sign of a weak man. But what about a weak penis? Well, that is a sign of an imbalanced man. An erection does not occur spontaneously. Testosterone must be present to create sexual desires; chemicals need to stimulate the penis; blood vessels must carry enough blood to the penile chambers; and nutrients must replenish the lost neurochemicals and hormones.

An erection is a network of interconnected bodily functions working toward the same goal: pumping blood into the penis and preventing the leakage of blood. The tincture contains herbs known to prevent excessive pre-cum, enhancing penile tissue strength and stop weak erections. [1]

Herbs in This Tincture Help
  • Boost sexual pleasure and heighten sensations
  • Maintain healthy erectile tissue and improve blood flow
  • Repair nerve endings


Cistanche, a herb native to the Chinese and African deserts improves blood circulation to the genital area. People who consume Cistanche for an extended period reported seeing an enlargement of their penises. According to research, Cistanche increases the function and weight of the seminal vesicle, improving a man’s overall sexual ability.. [2]

Most herbal tinctures are prepared using alcohol solvents, but if you cannot consume alcohol, use apple-cider vinegar or wine vinegar instead.

  1. Fill a jar a1/4th of the way with herbal mixture.
  2. Add vodka, rum or brandy to cover herbs. For an alcoholic-free formula, add apple-cider vinegar or wine vinegar.
  3. Seal the jar to prevent leakage or evaporation.
  4. Store the jar in a dry, dark area.
  5. Add more alcohol over the next few days, as the dried herbs soak and expand.
  6. Store the jar anywhere between two weeks to three months.
Ready to Drink
  1. Place a cheesecloth on top of the sieve and empty the liquid into a clean jar or storage container.
  2. Extract the remaining tincture by squeezing the saturated herbs. Transfer the extract into a dropper bottle for refrigeration.
  3. Drink two teaspoons of the tincture after lunch and dinner. If you cannot stand the taste, dilute with water, juice or tea.

Controlling the dosage and fine tuning your needs through herb selections are the key advantage of the tincture. If you suffer from venous leaks, weak or unsustainable erections, you may need herbal supplements to regain your manhood.

[1] Zhao J, Dasmahapatra AK, Khan SI, Khan IA., Anti-aromatase activity of the constituents from damiana (Turnera diffusa)., J Ethnopharmacol. 2008 Dec 8;120(3):387-93.
[2] He W, Shu X, Zong G, Shi M, Xiong Y, Chen M., Kidney reinforcing and yang supporting action of cistanche deserticola Y. C. Ma before and after preparation., Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi., 1996 Sep;21(9):534-7, 575.
[More Details +]

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