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Ashwagandha - The Fire Igniter & Libido Driver For Women

As women age, they slowly start to see a dip in estrogen levels. When the body sees a dip in the production of estrogen, sex, happiness, and even regular eating habits disappear. Women, who are considered too young for menopause, may experience a dip in estrogen and witness a loss in libido. Women too young for menopause may be experiencing signs of sexual exhaustion. Excessive masturbation, drugs, alcohol, and even poor eating habits may cause a loss in estrogen levels.

Kindle For Women 
Women who wish to rekindle the fire after or before menopause, should take herbal supplements like Ashwagandha to help rekindle the passion. Excessive masturbation, drugs, and alcohol deplete the body of essential nutrients and endorphins necessary for sex. When these nutrients and endorphins become depleted, the body suffers from sexual exhaustion. When the body feels exhausted, the hormone levels remain out of sync, resulting in low sex drive.

Revitalize The Passion 
Ashwagandha is known to help revitalize the passion again by providing balance to hormone levels. Because Ashwagandha provides DHEA, the herb can improve libido, increase Clitoris sensitivity, and even regulate blood flow to the Clitoris. Formulas infused with Ashwagandha also include Mulberry, Shilajit, and Schisandra chinensis to help improve the quality of an orgasm and get women in the correct mood. Ashwagandha extracts in pill, liquid, or powder form can all help give menopausal women that passion again to enjoy and desire sex.
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Blog ID: 63713

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