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Abusive Masturbation Has Done Severe Damages To His Penis - 2" Inches Long When Relaxed and 4" Inches When Erected

After considerable practice with masturbation, he has discovered that his penis has shrunk. What has happened? And more importantly, can he fix it? Read on, get the facts and find out!
Case #:1579

I masturbate a lot and my penis has shrunk in size. Even when I am not erect it is only 2 inches long and only 4 inches when it is erect. How can I make it larger when it is regular and erect? I don't want to take any prescription medication because I have had bad experiences with them. What will help me grow?

Ah, the penis: the thing that literally defines a man. Men have achieved wonders and horrors throughout history, trying to demonstrate to the world that their “power” (in the form of their erections) is greater than any other man's. And for those who feel (accurately or not) that they don't measure up, there are thousands of ideas to make your erection bigger. The vast majority of these, starting with the idea of constantly exercising it like an arm or a leg, are either ineffective or out-and-out damaging. Let's investigate how an erection actually works to see what why some solutions work and most of them do not.
Case Study Highlights

Summary: He’s 18 and wants to grow his penis size to impress the girls. Find out how the Herballove experts help him achieve a larger, wider penis. And for even more help, share your details with me below.
Your Solution: Natural Penile Chamber Growth & Enlargement
Helpful Guide: Penis Enlargement Guide & Technique Overview
First This, Then That

An erection begins with a signal sent through your parasympathetic nerves, triggering the manufacture and release of nitric oxide. This stuff dilates the blood vessels in your penis, allowing more blood than normal to flow into the left and right corpus cavernosum and the corpus spongiosum; these three structures, filled with highly porous tissue, form your erection's full size. As the increased blood supply fills these tissues, it carries high levels of hormones such as testosterone and prostaglandin E-2, which is another vasodilator (nitric oxide breaks down in your system very quickly, so something else has to take over the duties for the duration of your erection).
Here's Your Trouble

There are several possible reasons why your penis has shrunk, but over-masturbation has certainly contributed to most of them. For one, every time you become erect (let alone ejaculate), you open a few tiny leaks in the blood vessels within your penis. Your body can fix these minor wounds as good as new, but only if you give it enough time between erections to do so. Get erect too often, and the repairs either don't get finished properly or make the damage worse, much like how a cut takes a lot longer to heal if you don't let the edges of the cut stay pressed together.
For another, your hormone levels are all out of balance. Prostaglandin E-2 keeps your blood vessels dilated while you're erect, but leaving too much of it in your system for too long will make the tissues surrounding the vessels swell up and constrict the vessels, reducing the blood flow. Your testosterone levels may also be too low to properly fuel your erections, and so on.
Put these two things together, and you have a situation a lot like trying to pump up a leaky car tire with a clogged valve. You can do it, eventually, but it's a lot of work for a result that can't last as long as you'd like.
Raising The Flag Higher

The first and most important step is to give your penis time to repair the damage limiting its size. Optimally, you should go without ejaculating for three solid weeks, but the healing process can start if you can limit yourself to no more than once every three or four days.
While your body is finishing the repairs and trying to clean up the resulting scar-tissue, you should look into improving your diet. Two nutrients, zinc and B-vitamins, are critical for forming and repairing body tissues. Properly prepared seafood, especially oysters, are excellent sources of both nutrients. Alternately, try things like lean red meats and toasted wheat germ to get more zinc; combinations of various leafy green vegetables or dairy products can fulfill most of your B-vitamin needs. Do your own research to find out which foods appeal to you the most.
You can also increase your natural testosterone levels by regularly engaging in a moderate exercise program. Try to stop just short of too much, because excessive exercise will consume your increased testosterone in the name of supporting new muscle and bone growth. Your health-care provider will be able to monitor your progress and make expert recommendations about any adjustments you might need to make.

You should also consider taking an all-natural herbal supplement, designed specifically to help your penile tissues recover from overuse and even to help it grow larger. (SEE: Herbal Formula for Penis Enlargement & Growth) It assists in improving blood circulation and re-balancing your hormone levels, which may even reduce any chronic fatigue you may experience.

What to do

Natural Penile Chamber Growth & Enlargement

Stop worrying about the size of your penis and start taking Natural Penile Chamber Growth & Enlargement

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Views: 107

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Penis Enlargement

Blog ID: 62102

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