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Franken-Penis, Not! – Penis Exercises and Their Associated Issues

Here we find a gentleman who feels inadequate when it comes to his member down there and although he has do some due diligence, he still ended up choosing a harmful technique for penis size enhancement. Read on to find out how he can hope to recover from the damage he has caused to himself...

Case #: 806


I read (and found) several methods for enhancing my penis size. Shots filled with silicon seemed both expensive and painful. Penile pumps were a bit too costly—not to mention unsafe. While penile stretches provided results, the duration and dedication seemed too much for me. Instead, I decided to try penile weightlifting. According to the weightlifting website, I could stretch my penis size by about an inch or two in little time. I saw the videos. I read the testimonials. I even signup on the forums to address my safety concerns. All the community members agreed: the method is safe so long as I do not exceed the weight limit.

Despite my efforts to keep myself safe, I feel as if I made a mistake in trying to enhance my size. Now, my penis is bruised. My sensation is non-existent. Even my erections do not feel the same. The worst part is that I have noticed my erections have shrunk. What have I done to myself?


Don’t worry; you’re not alone. While I’m not sure that cavemen were too concerned about their penis sizes, modern man is a different concern altogether. It’s true that many men’s attitude’s about their penis size range from indifferent to bristling with pride. However some men are downright ashamed or embarrassed about what they’ve been allotted; instead of lugging around a nice pipe they feel they got stuck with a flimsy little wire.

Desperate Quest

According to Mail Online an astoundingly high number of men are dissatisfied with their little guy down there—size-wise— a whopping 30% of them. Many of them have also been teased about their size (or lack thereof) while in communal showers as well as by ex-lovers, further compounding their anxiety.

This can lead to men taking drastic measures in order to make up for their perceived shortcomings; painful and potentially dangerous penile surgeries, stretching exercises, penis pumps, rings, and other assorted gadgets and gizmos; the list goes on and on…

And yes this includes potentially hazardous penile weightlifting regimens. These cause artificial erections in order to bear weight and as a result, you can really put a hurtin’ on your member. There is a reason that you never saw men posing their penises down at Muscle Beach, made famous by bodybuilders such as Arnold Schwarzenegger; penises aren’t designed to lift weights as other muscles (biceps, quadriceps) are. Not only can these dopey weightlifting exercises result in damaged penile nerve endings, but can cause your penis to become curved (Peyronie’s Disease), and continued self-inflicted abuse can even fracture your penis and you can end up having some monstrous thing which looks like it should be on display in a pretzel store!

So how do we get you out of this cycle of self-abuse?

Avoiding the Franken-Penis

Step one would be to immediately cease those goofy penile exercises and let your poor member start to recuperate. As you start your healing process think about taking a nourishing botanical remedy which can shorten the time it will take to get back to full recovery. (TRY: Penis Trauma & Injury Herbal Treatment) These natural herbs can eventually remove both your penile scar tissue and that nasty plaque build-up that those exercises have caused. Unbeknownst to you, through forcing your penis to bear weights you have probably caused severe trauma to your soft penile tissues and ruptured some blood vessels as well, so these herbs can help to repair this damage as well as healing damaged nerve endings. Eventually, this can help you to not only return to those firmer erections and proper size once again, but also recover sensation in your penis and alleviate any numbness.

Invest in yourself and take a natural path back to full health; you only have one body in this life so take care of it.

[More Details +]

Views: 130

Ideas: Men's, Penis Pain & Injury

Blog ID: 62020

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