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RUNNING OUT OF CHANGE – The Costs of Excessive Masturbation

Let’s examine an interesting case involving a middle-aged gentleman that has been having a little too much fun with Mr. Happy down there, resulting in a number of issues. How will he address his numerous conditions? Read on and find out.

Case #: 620


I was reading about a case study regarding floaters in the eye and lower back pain being caused by over masturbation. I am 54 years old and have these same symptoms plus many more. I also suffer from extreme anxiety, high blood pressure, mood swings, concentration issues and have just developed diabetes.

I have been masturbating since I was a young teenager, and have tried to stop for all of my life, but with no success, as this seems to be a release for me from stress. You suggested a solution that I can’t think off the top of my head and stated that if he took this for a couple of months to heal and not to ejaculate more than twice a week that his body would heal itself. Do you think this would work for me at my age? Are there any side effects?

A little bit more important information, my blood pressure has fluctuated since I was in my early 20's and I would like to find a solution to the anxiety as well. I masturbate approximately 5 times per week.


Ah yes…the time ultimate act in self-satisfaction; masturbation. You don’t need anybody else around for it. It usually doesn’t take that long to do. And oh boy…is it just fun or what? There’s nothing like having a little fun with Mr. Happy while thinking about that sexy starlet out there that you have fantasies about, or maybe it’s just your neighbor down the street. We can all dream, right?

Or maybe you just got home from a brutal day at the office where you had your boss’s boot on your neck, and you need to blow off a little steam and relax. And what can be more fun than having a little self-sexy-time right before you hit the sack? Talk about a good night’s sleep. But what happens when you’ve just been whacking around down there a little too much?

You’re About to Get a Ticket

Think of your body as a parking meter. You glide your car into a parking spot in order to hop out and go have some fun, and pop some change into the meter. Later, you check your watch and “oh no!” you’ve got to go back and feed the meter again! So you deposit some more change into that little slot there and the amount of time goes back up. Inevitably, the time gets low again and you have to go through the same process.

But what happens down the line after repeating this process over and over, and you reach down into your pocket and only find a couple of grubby pennies and some lint? Much like having no change left for the ol’ meter, your body’s resources have been depleted. As a result of that, you’re now suffering from a whole host of negative side-effects and your diabetes isn’t helping matters. What to do?

Super Coins!

First, we’re going to have to readjust your way of thinking. Your mind has fallen into a pattern of making you think that the old way of doing things is the right way, and that just isn’t true anymore. I want you to frame things differently, and see that taking a break from masturbation is THE NEW way of satisfying yourself.

We’re not talking eons here, merely 3 weeks. You can do that…I know you can. This will allow your body to start regenerating itself and get you on the road to recovery. As a result of resting for a while, your stress and anxiety will gradually start to seep away, and your back pain will lessen.

One way that you can really get you back in the swing of things is by taking a natural herbal formula (see: Natural Remedy for ED & Diabetes). These powerful natural remedies contain curative properties that can improve the ability of your body’s insulin to lower blood sugar.

They also boost your testosterone, DHEA, and DHT, which has become depleted, resulting in back pain. Gradually, your eye floaters will go away, and you’ll be thinking with a clearer head and remembering things better.

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观看次数: 88


笔记编号: 61624

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