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Your Guide to Intercourse Pain

Ideally, sexual intercourse is a pleasurable encounter between two people. But for many women, sex can be painful and unpleasant. It can lead to intimacy problems and a general lack of sexual fulfillment.

Although issues as these have been happening for years, women all over the world are finally acknowledging

that it isn’t their fault. They are learning that they can be helped. Many women believe that pain is a natural part of intercourse, so they have no idea what is causing their discomfort or what do about it. If left untreated, the causes of sexual pain can become more serious, resulting in vaginal abrasions and other extremely arduous symptoms.
For a variety of reasons, many women experience painful intercourse (“dyspareunia”) at some point in their lives. Researchers estimate that up to 60 percent of women experience episodes of genital pain that occurs just before, during or after intercourse. But the location and frequency of the pain varies greatly.


Some women feel sharp stinging pains at the entry of their vagina and others feel the pain deep inside. Others hurt in their uterus or in other internal sexual organs. The fact is, no matter where you are feeling the pain, it is most assuredly related to the same cause. 
Dyspareunia may be experienced with sexual penetration. It can occur with certain sex partners or under certain circumstances, even while inserting a tampon. New pain (after previously pain-free intercourse), superficial entry pain, deep pain during thrusting, and burning or aching pains are all symptoms of dyspareunia.


There are numerous causes of dyspareunia, including:

  • Inadequate lubrication
  • Vaginal infection or inflammation
  • Vaginismus
  • Tipped uterus
  • Injury & trauma
  • Fear of intimacy
  • Irritation or allergic reactions
  • Skin disorders
  • Psychological problems
  • Vestibulitis

Because of the wide variety of possible causes, it’s always recommended to check with your doctor.

Vaginal Spasms
reflex of the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle, causing muscles in the vagina to tense suddenly…(more)

Vaginal RH Formula I

Tipped Uterus
More than 20% of women have uterus that is tilted backwards away from the belly…(more)

Finger Pliers Technique

Vibrator Damage 
vibrator can damage vaginal, cervical, and clitoris lining causing vaginal scarring and swelling…(more)

VRD Formula III

Birth Control Pill
Poor liver function is not capable of expel out toxic byproduct and metabolite derived from birth control pills resulting…(more)

Botanical Formula For Detoxify & Intensify Orgasm
Vaginal RH Formula I

Natural Solutions

There are a number of effective natural treatments for intercourse pain.  A combination of Dong quai, American ginseng, saw palmetto, wild yam, black cohosh, and yohimbe relieves involuntary vaginal reflex and alleviates intercourse pain. Aloe Vera is helpful for infections and is known for its healing effects. It can be applied topically to relieve itching, taken internally, or used in a douche. 
Barberry contains potent infection-fighting properties. Calendula and vitamin A vaginal suppositories are soothing and healing, while Goldenseal suppositories are useful for all types of infection. Chamomile has anti-fungal properties. Echinacea also has anti-fungal properties and enhances the immune system.  Pau d'arco contains natural antibiotic agents and has a healing effect.

Good Hygine

Good hygiene can help alleviate symptoms of intercourse pain. Avoid scented bath products, such as body washes and shower gels, as they can irritate your genital area and deplete your natural lubrication. Douche with infusions made from antiseptic herbs such as calendula, garlic, goldenseal, fresh plantain, St. John's wort or tea tree oil along with other herbs such as comfrey leaves to soothe irritation.

Gain Your Control

You and your partner may be able to minimize your dyspareunia with a few changes to your sex routine. Try being on top of your partner during sex. Women usually have more control in this position, so you may be able to regulate penetration to a depth that feels good to you. Communicate with your partner what feels good and what does not. Also, longer foreplay can help stimulate your natural lubrication and reduce the pain of penetration, as do synthetic lubricants.

Harmony Within

Using breathing techniques such as  Harmony Qi Gong For Women during intercourse can relieve your stress, increase natural lubrication, and realign your endocrine and nervous system to be more adaptable to painless intercourse.

Slow Down

Of course, you can also ask your loved one to simply slow down. By doing so, it’s possible to get a lot more pleasurable sensation with less pain at a fraction of the effort.


Play romantic and relaxing music and start with gentle touching or a massage. Constantly focusing on climax can cause you to feel like you are trying to end the experience as quickly as possible, which would train your brain to see intercourse as an undesirable course of action. Take the emphasis off of having an orgasm and enjoy the ride. The more attention you give to the sensations of pleasure the more pleasure you will feel.

[More Details +]

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