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Side Effects of Birth Control – When the Pill Works Against a Woman’s Body

Her birth control has invited side effects that include brown vaginal discharge and diminished libido. She understands the pill has negative effects on the liver but doesn’t know what to do. The solution is to stop taking birth control and cleanse her body with an all-natural formula.

Case #: 599


I’ve been on birth control for about two months now and have been having a brown discharge. I’ve read that it might be the birth control messing with my liver, but what do I do? I still have a month left on birth control, and I know the effects last longer than that. How harmful can this be to my body? And I’m also not enjoying sex. I rarely can get aroused.


It seems unlikely that birth control could create a brown vaginal discharge, but it can. You are one of many women who have experienced this unpleasant side effect.

The cause is the synthetic ingredients of birth control – oestrogens and progestogens, which are key to preventing pregnancy. But they are nothing more than toxins to the liver, and the body responds by increasing vaginal discharge.

Processes of the Liver

If you think about it, you can logically conclude birth control is bad for your liver. Early forms of the pill were combinations of oestrogen and progestogen. In recent years, however, pharmaceutical manufacturers have reduced the levels of progestogen and increased those of oestrogen.

The result is supposed to be a healthier oral contraceptive without such side effects as headache, weight gain and nausea – all of which were experienced by women years ago.

Despite misconceptions, the pill is still flawed and continues to present complications that cannot be overlooked. One of those complications is liver toxicity, which can best be explained by describing this organ’s functions. The liver basically filters harmful toxins from the body and cleanses it of chemicals, food wastes and environmental poisons. It also metabolizes birth control’s blend of synthetic hormones.

With time, functions of the liver may diminish because of toxic overload. Birth control pills can induce such a scenario because they are repeatedly ingested, meaning the liver must try to continually metabolize them. When the chemicals in birth control are not properly metabolized, they accumulate in the body and cause further problems.

Explaining Vaginal Discharge and Low Libido

Oral contraceptives overload the female body with oestrogen that is not offset by the correct levels of progesterone. This imbalance makes itself known by throwing the body’s daily functions off-kilter. An example is seen in the cervix, which responds to excess estrogen by producing more mucus.

The body expels this as vaginal discharge, which often contains a brown hue because it’s mixed with the uterus’s thinned lining. Birth control causes that lining to become so diluted that it’s likely to be expelled at any time during a woman’s 28-day menstrual cycle.

Hormonal imbalance is also responsible for your diminished libido. In order to feel sexually aroused, a woman needs the perfect cocktail of estrogen and progesterone. That is why the body works at such an intricate level to keep hormones balanced. But birth control, as already discussed, presents more oestrogen and diminishes progesterone. The result is reduced libido.

Restore Yourself to a Natural State

After stopping birth control, your body can take between two and six months to restore itself to a state of “normal.” You can aid this process by taking an all-natural detoxification formula (see more: Vaginal Infection Relief & Detoxification) that helps to rejuvenate the liver, cleanse the body of toxins and restore hormones to a balanced state.

The key is to look for herbs with roots in ancient healing practices. Calendula, Muira puama and Ashwagandha counteract the effects of birth control by introducing healthy micro-flora to the body. They also stimulate new cell growth in the vagina to help you feel sexual desire through heightened pleasure.

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Blog ID: 61398

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