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“My Damn Dam is Damaged!” – Over masturbation and Penis Pain/Leakage

In this case study, we’ll explore problems associated with Over masturbation, as a man has been caught up in playing with Mr. Happy too much. Now he is experiencing pain in his penis and embarrassing seminal leakage.

Case #: 1178


Hello, my name is Mario. I have a problem with my sperm; it is very watery and leaks. Also, my penis is very weak. I used to be able to have great sex with a stiff erection but not anymore. At times I have penis pains. I want to know what this problem is and how to fix it.


Dams have always fascinated me, and many questions about them would frequently swirl about in my head as a youth. What purposes did they serve? What were the engineering capabilities that they required, and at what cost? Were they solid or was there something inside of them? Well, at some point the opportunity presented itself to go on a tour of the majestic Hoover Dam, so I jumped on it.

Dangerous, Mounting Pressure

The Hoover Dam lies on the Nevada/Arizona border and holds back Lake Mead, the largest reservoir in the United States. During the tour, our guide told us that indeed there are many interconnected chambers within the dam containing all sorts of complex machinery including valves, pipes, generators, and the like. I also discovered that several of the dam’s primary purposes were not only to control floods, but to also provide irrigation water and hydroelectric power to the surrounding communities.

Now imagine elements of your reproductive system as a dam and your parasympathetic nervous system as one big valve which holds your lake (semen/urine) in check. Say that you opened up the floodgates (ejaculation) of your dam from time-to-time in order to relieve pressure build-up from the millions of tons of water that were being held back. This is much like you masturbating in order to relieve daily pressures or stress.

Soon, you find yourself relying on your floodgates a little too often and as a result, all of that overuse (excessive ejaculation) has resulted in cracks (pain) appearing within your dam. Obsessive masturbation results in over ejaculation, which in turn causes too much inflammatory prostaglandin E-2 to be released; the cause of your penis pain. This pain can soon spread to other parts of your body including your testicles, prostrate, lower back, and entire pelvic cavity.

Your main valve (parasympathetic nervous system) is also cracking, resulting in inadvertent leakage. Not a pretty picture right? So how do you prevent things from getting worse and get back to having a healthy, solid dam?

Natural, Real Repairs

You can take the first step toward repairing yourself by ceasing to masturbate for a while; at least until the pain subsides. Further obsessive masturbation will result in things getting worse, not better.

To accelerate these dam repairs you may want to consider taking a powerful herbal remedy in order to not only help to heal and rejuvenate your damaged parasympathetic nervous system and stop that leaky penis, but also greatly reduce your out-of-control prostaglandin E-2 levels; freeing you from pain. (TRY: Natural Formula to Stop Leaking) They also act as natural mood stabilizers and enhancers, calming your mind and allowing you more inner tranquility.

116 men died constructing the Hoover Dam, but your repairs won’t even result in one casualty since these formulas are all-natural and safe to use. So let’s get those much-needed repairs underway!

What to do

Stop Leaking Herbal Tincture

Seminal leakage, or “leaky penis” is a sign of the weakening of the parasympathetic sexual nerves. They keep the ejaculation valve shut and hold an erection.

[More Details +]

Views: 185

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation

Blog ID: 61361

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