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Why My Urethra Gets Irritated In The Tip Whenever I Try To Enlarge My Penis?

He has not found a method of penis-enlargement that fails to inflame the tip of his urethra. What's going on? Read on and get the facts to find out what you can do if his symptoms seem uncomfortably familiar.
Case #: 1459

I want to take something that will help my penis grow but I can't. Every single time it seems like my urethra gets irritated in the tip and it seems really red. Is there something that will help my penis expand or force more blood into it? I want it to expand and enlarge. Please help me.

Scurvy used to be the bane of sailors' existence. It was to blame for the generally poor state of their health, especially the stereotypical loss of teeth (above and beyond the violence inherent in the lifestyle). For centuries, ships' doctors simply assumed that it resulted from the same source as gangrene and other diseases: “miasma” or pathogenic infection. In 1753, British surgeon James Lind proved that it actually resulted from nutritional deficiency; the British navy's eventual practice of mixing their sailors' grog rations with lime- or lemon-juice to combat the disease is the source of the nickname “Limeys”.
Case Study Highlights

Summary: A young man feels his methods to enlarge his penis have failed. If you feel your penis continues to resist changes to growth, find out how you can help yourself. Thanks to Herballove experts, we can help all men seeking penis enlargement. If you have a comment, question or concern, please leave your details below.
Your Solution: Natural Penile Chamber Growth & Enlargement
Helpful Guide: Penis Enlargement Guide & Technique Overview
What Does PGE-1 Do?

This hormone makes helps your tissues “snap back” when bent or stretched. Even more than your urethra, adequate supplies of this hormone are vitally important for maintaining the highly porous corpus spongiosum and corpus cavernosum tissues that actually form your erection. If you've been taking penis-enlargement pills that incorporate very large doses of alpha-2 blockers (Yohimbe is a good source of this), it's a lot like quickly inflating and deflating a latex balloon in a very dry room: the balloon dries out, becomes brittle and breaks in very short order. Fortunately, your skin still gets moisture from blood circulation and so won't crumble to dust while you're still alive, but it will not stay as supple as you might like.
How Can I Get More?

Your body naturally produces PGE-1 at a particular level (along with PGE-2, which dilates your blood vessels, and PGE-3, which contracts them). To increase your production of it requires increasing your body's supply of HGH (Human Growth Hormone), DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone), androstenedione and cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), as well as certain neurotransmitters like nitric oxide. (Please note that nitric oxide is NOT the same as nitrous oxide.)
So What Should I Do?

Your urethra needs some time to heal, and the other glands responsible for producing the precursor hormones for PGE-1 need time to recover as well. The target is no ejaculations for three solid weeks. If that's too long, cutting down to once every three days at the most will be enough for the healing process to get underway. You might set up a moderate exercise regimen in the meantime, which will help boost your natural testosterone levels and, in turn, strengthen your erections. I recommend checking in with a health-care provider to get a professional's analysis of your specific situation, as well as making personalized adjustments to whatever solutions you pursue.
Finally, you should consider taking an all-natural herbal supplement designed to provide support for expanding your erection. (TRY: Herbal Formula for Penis Enlargement & Growth) It will help enhance the blood circulation to the affected parts of your urethra, allowing the newly-increased levels of the needed nutrients more efficient access to them. You may also find yourself feeling a little more relaxed in general and sleeping better, among other things.
Please be advised that you should avoid using this supplement if you have high blood pressure or diabetes.

What to do

Natural Penile Chamber Growth & Enlargement

Stop worrying about the size of your penis and start taking Natural Penile Chamber Growth & Enlargement.

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Views: 211

Ideas: Men's, Penis Enlargement

Blog ID: 62451

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