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My Sex Drive Has Driven Away

Learn of a man who's grown curious about why his wife's libido has all but disappeared.

Case #: 825


I was recently sitting down with my wife and she stated to me that since she has given birth to our two children, her sex drive has not been what it used to be. She is thirty-six. Is there anything she can do to lift her libido back to how it used to be?


Honestly, it's really no surprise when a woman's sex drive drops to an all time low. Because women are basically emotionally spurred beings, libido can come and go faster than the wind changes direction. Most female sex drives go through a noticeable decline between the ages of thirty-five and forty-nine. There are multiple reasons why the libido decreases so dramatically. Depression, exhaustion, and an adverse reaction to prescription medications, are just a few possibilities for no longer having the same sexual urges as before.

Nothing New

If I had to take a shot in the dark, I'd say that in this particular case your wife is probably still trying to settle into motherhood. Keeping up with children is probably the hardest job one could ever have. Not to say that it isn't rewarding, but it's most definitely tough. Your wife might be feeling tired or stressed out, or she could possibly have some subverted body issues since the birth of your children. Whatever the case may be, your job in the short stolen moments just between the two of you will be to ease her mind and keep her completely relaxed. Let her know what an amazing job she's doing mothering your children, and above all, be sure that she knows that you believe she is the most beautiful woman on the planet.

Herbal Perspective

Some good old positive reinforcement always works great to kick start the spark of something more. However, to really kick-start the libido back to what it used to be, I would recommend turning to herbs such as Pyrola, Mucuna Pruriens, and Muira Puama for guidence. (TRY: Passion Ignition Herbal Remedy) Natural herbal remedies that include these ingredients will help to reignite that lost passion like never before. Mainly because, this specific set of herbs have been known to increase the blood circulation to our genital areas.

What Else Can You Do

There are also an number of proven practices that can help to increase a woman's sex drive. A daily routine of exercise for example, will intensify the breathing, speed up the heart rate, and will greatly increase the body's circulation. Subsequently, this will heighten your body's metabolism, which will trigger the brain to create more sex hormones.

You can improve the body's self lubrication action by consuming about six to eight glasses of water each day. Adding foods such as avocados, almonds, and walnuts will do the trick also. I would suggest to any woman who's experiencing this sort of dry spell to stick to greens and foods that haven't been processed or include a bunch of fat or sugar. Only because these types of foods decrease our moods even further and also take away a lot of stored energy.

[More Details +]

Views: 87

Ideas: Women's, Low Sex Drive

Blog ID: 61295

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