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Excessive use of Vibrator and Long Dependency on Vibrator Ruined Her Clitoral Sensitivity

A 28 year-old woman desensitized her clitoris and destroyed her orgasmic ability by excessive use of a vibrator.

Case #: 45015


I was traumatized at the last relationship 2 years ago. During that time, I have used a rabbit-style vibrator 3 to 4 times per week in order to get maximum sexual pleasure. I finally found my love and had sex with him last week. I don’t get the sexual pleasure I used to have. Actually, I seem to have very little to no sensation in my clitoris and I could almost describe it as feeling numb and dead. It’s very frustrating. Worse part is that my vagina has dried up this while I trying to use vibrator again. I am a healthy person. I have used birth control pills before but do not take any other form of medication.


You have definitely done a great deal of damage to your clitoris by using the vibrator. First and foremost, stop using the vibrator and let yourself heal. Also, you mention that you're not currently on birth control. Now that you've entered a sexual relationship, if you're considering using birth control, keep in mind that birth control can also lead to loss of libido and sexual dysfunction.

As for your clitoral damage from the vibrator, understand that erection and relaxation of the clitoris and urethral spongy tissues (G-spot) are essential for a woman to experience sexual pleasure and achieve orgasm. But overuse of a vibrator can cause the clitoris to lose its sensitivity. Testosterone and DHEA levels can become too low to power an orgasm. Over-stimulation drains out bioelectric energy, resulting in numbness, irritation and irresponsiveness of her clitoris and G-spot.

Overuse of a vibrator can trigger a chronic elevation of prolactin and dopamine-norepinephrine/epinephrine conversion leading to pituitary-ovarian functional disorders and sexual exhaustion symptoms. In this condition, the arteries become inflamed, constricting blood flow to the brain. These narrowed arteries require high blood pressure to pump sufficient oxygen to your brain. This can result in hypertension, headaches, migraine, blurred version, gum inflammation, sleeping disorder, ear ringing, brain disorders, body or joint pains and inflammation, liver and kidney inflammation, and uterus, cervix, bladder and urethra disorders.

Excessive use of a vibrator can exhaust the ovarian function and induce menstrual disorders. The excessive prostaglandin E-2 release induced by excessive vaginal/cervical abrasion and cervical/uterine contraction, in conjunction with excessive amounts of the stress neurohormone epinephrine in the bloodstream, can stimulate progesterone release from the ovaries in an attempt to counterbalance the production of prostaglandin E-2, leading to the problems mentioned above.

Herbs from Natural Clitoral Revitalization – Revival The Sensitivity & Passion Again, can help you increasing clitoral stimulation by improving blood circulation to the genitals, engorging the clitoris, vagina, and G-spot, and increasing overall sensitivity. Many herbs in this formula are known to increase prostaglandins production, relaxing vaginal and uterine muscles and cervical and clitoral tissues.

[More Details +]

Views: 160

Ideas: Women's, Female Sexual Exhaustion, Vaginal Insensitivity

Blog ID: 60965

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