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Try Yoga for Vaginal Looseness from Childbirth

She is expecting her first baby at age 24 but has heard horror stories from other young mothers about vaginal looseness after labor. She is worried a loss of elasticity will ruin her body as well as her sex life. Her solution is yoga, which will help tighten muscles and improve energy flow in and around her vagina.

Case #: 601


Babies are trophies for having sex. Except you sometimes end up with a trophy by surprise. And while I may feel excited about my soon-to-be “trophy,” I am concerned about my physical appearance afterward. Is this way of thinking shallow? It sure is. But as a 24-year-old woman, I still care about my body. And while I do expect to gain weight – and the occasional stretch mark or two – it’s the fear of vaginal looseness that worries me the most.

I’ve heard horror stories from other mothers: loss of vaginal stimulation, loose skin and damaged tissue. Most of these signs seem common, but my question is how can I keep these problems from ruining my sex life and appearance? Can I take supplements? Or are there stretches I can do? What about surgery?


Vaginal looseness is a common concern among women of all ages, especially because many tend to think intercourse stretches out the vagina. This notion, however, is based on nothing more than myth. The truth is that childbirth is one of only two factors that affect the elasticity of vaginal muscles. Your worrisome thoughts are therefore valid, but not to the extent you might think. The female body is surprisingly adaptive, and even if your muscles do become looser after giving birth, they probably won’t stay that way.

A Note on Vaginal Muscles

Perhaps the most important point to make is that vaginal muscles are elastic. They stretch to accommodate intercourse and then return to normal almost immediately afterward. The idea that such stretching permanently loosens the muscles is simply not accurate. Regardless of how many times a female has sex, her vagina will naturally stretch and contract in the same manner as a woman who has never had sex.

To better understand, imagine the arm and leg stretches an athlete regularly undertakes to deter muscle injuries and improve strength. Both of these elements are crucial to conditioning, meaning athletes do not worry that stretching will cause their muscles to sag. The same is true of the vagina, which has biologically evolved to withstand the rigors of intercourse as well as give birth.

Exceptions to the Rule

Giving birth does stretch the vagina, but your age dictates to what extent. Your muscles are more likely to return to normal if you’re younger – in your late teens or early twenties - upon having your first child. The six months immediately following labor are when muscles will be the loosest. After that, you’ll notice they quickly regain elasticity.

Women who wait until later in life to give birth are at greater risk of losing vaginal elasticity. While this happens as a natural consequence of labor, it is also a symptom of age. As women grow older, so too do their body parts, including the vagina. Again, this has nothing to do with sexual partners or even the number of times you’ve engaged in intercourse. It is instead related to gravity and a loss of hormones.

Before age 40, a woman’s vaginal walls are covered with hormones to keep them healthy. Those hormone levels, however, begin to decline once a woman hits her 40s. The vagina’s tissues weaken and become more susceptible to tears and loss of elasticity. Essentially, the muscles thus stop contracting like they once did, and the pleasure of intercourse can also change. But don’t be alarmed – acknowledging the changes your body will eventually go through can help you manage them.

Stop Vaginal Looseness

Just as women can combat the effects of facial aging with ointments and cosmetic surgery, they can also take steps to protect their vaginas. Some muscle looseness is an inevitable part of growing older, but you don’t have to let that ruin your confidence or sex life. Kegel exercises help strengthen pelvic floor muscles, which in turn will tighten your vagina.

You can also practice yoga, which for centuries has been used to treat and improve a number of health ailments. Advanced Aswini Mudra Yoga in particular is known to restore elasticity to vaginal muscles. This practice is different from Kegel exercises in that it rejuvenates your vagina by improving the flow of energy in and around your reproductive organs. When practiced with regular frequency, it can help you retain your youthful body and enjoy sex just as much as before you gave birth.

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Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Looseness

Blog ID: 59577

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