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One Vibrator Equals No Arousal

Learn about a young woman's quest to bring back that good old feeling.

Case #: 1247


When I was fifteen I used a vibrator on my clitoris. Soon it became harder for me to become aroused with or without the vibrator. I went for a year without masturbating but I'm still not able to become aroused. I used to be able to think of something and I would become aroused, now I have nothing. Is there anything I can do to reverse the damage?


When I was younger, I think I definitely over did it with the “self-love.” It was a cheap release and any adolescent trying to get through high school is entitled to at least that much. However, after just a few short months of over doing it, I could no longer reach the same intensity as I once did before. This dreadful reaction happens because too much use of the good old vibrations can lead to over stimulation of the neuroendocrine system.

Bad Vibrations

This form of masturbation can trigger an abundant flood of unwanted stress hormones such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. These hormones will cause adverse affects on the reproductive organs. Over time, this drastic hormonal imbalance may lead to pituitary-ovarian functional disorders and symptoms of sexual exhaustion.

Ovarian Function Disorders

If the pituitary or ovarian functions are tampered with in any way, your body is sure to react as if there is a toxic organ that is negatively influencing other parts of the body. This will subsequently cause a sort of domino effect throughout the entire body. Once a woman's body feels as if it's under attack by toxins, the brain will send a message to the arteries to keep out the harmful matter. The arteries will then become inflamed, and lessen the blood flow to the brain.

We definitely do not want your situation to progress to this level, which can lead to more serious impositions such as migraines, inflammation of the liver and kidneys, or brain disorders. When you have any type of bodily functional problem, it is always best to act fast and aggressively before the problem worsens.

Herbal Intervention

Luckily, I think we have just the thing to place you back on the right track. By utilizing natural herbs such as Dong Quia, Mexican Wild Yam, Mucuna Pruriens, Pyrola, Maca, and Tribulus you will easily be able to rejuvenate your damaged clitoral nerve endings. (TRY: Natural Clitoral Regeneration Formula) They will also help to reduce any inflammation that has formed around the clitoris, Oversee the production of DHEA, and increase blood circulation in the clitoris, vagina, and uterus. Best of all your neurotransmitter production will once again be right back up to par, where it should be.

Above all, I would definitely recommend not using a vibrator, at least until you can once again feel the arousal that you've lost. Using one in the near future will only aggravate the situation further. . .And nobody wants that.

[More Details +]

Views: 145

Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Insensitivity

Blog ID: 59171

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