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Infertilidad masculina
Dolor y lesión testicular
Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
Erección débil
Agrandamiento de la próstata
Eyaculación precoz
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Improving Libido Improves Depression Battle

He tried many ways to fix his weak erection problems and always received side effects in return.

Case #: 24858


I have tried many prescription drugs and some herbal products to improve my erection. But I have a sensitive body. Prescription drugs had a lot of side effects and made me sick. Some of the herbal products that I brought from TV have increased my heartbeat and blood pressure. Now I am depressed and suffer from low sex drive. I don’t want to keep depending on drugs anymore.


It is true that some potent herbs can increase blood pressure and palpitation. It is very important that you take a well-formulated herbal remedy. For example, Yohimbe is a very powerful herb that is frequently used for people suffering from erectile dysfunction. If you take herbal products that don’t provide the right ratio of Yohimbe in relation to other tonfying herbs, you will experience a racing heartbeat. It will not kill you. No one ever died from taking Yohimbe, but it can certainly make you uncomfortable.

If a product can’t satisfy you and has brought upon negative side effects, it defeats the purpose of taking them. Most Ayverdic and Chinese medicines are formulated in a complex manner to ensure potency and eliminate side effects. Most of the more popular formulas have been used and tested for centuries.

Try herbs from our Anti Aging Solution For Erectile Tissues to help with your erection problems and reverse any damage done. Since you have a sensitive body, it is always better to take any product at the lowest recommended dosage and allow for your body to adjust. Then increase the dosage slowly until reaching satisfying results.

After you are able to sustain the desired results for a long while, you can start decreasing the dosage and let your endocrine function take over its natural job of recharging. Try not to over-masturbate or over-ejaculate once you regain your hard erection.

When you can maintain a hard erection for a long time, be sure not to ejaculate more than once in a single day. Practice one shot for multiple orgasms, but not multiple ejaculations for one orgasm. Your health is more important than a sexual orgasm.

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Blog ID: 60914

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