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How Do You Know: The DE-Flowering Of Men

Have you ever been with a virgin? How did you handle the situation, and did you know right away that they had never done it before?
Case #:1891

I'm a virgin and I'm twenty years old. Luckily, my girlfriend is too, we are about to have sex for the first time and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. Help!

The best thing about your first time is. . . Well, not a lot. You'll probably be really nervous, and she'll be a little concerned about pain. You might fumble putting the condom on, and things might get less than radio silent. But it's the first time, and the good part about your particular situation is that it's the first time for both of you.
The First And Last

My first time was with a guy that new the ropes, he knew all the ropes intimately if you know what I mean. And afterwards, he made it very clear to me that I had a lot to learn. To say that it was humiliating would be putting it incredibly lightly.
The first step to being a good lover is learning that it's not all about your pleasure. Pleasing your partner should give you pleasure on its own.
What To Look For

Luckily, in this day and age we have a lot of information that is available right at your fingertips. There are countless websites and magazines that will give you a sort of idea on how things work. , but if you really want to get the inside scoop, go with books. (SEE: First Time Sex for Males)
I find that when searching through the internet, especially when on the topic of being intimate, you just get a lot of off the wall commentary that really has nothing to do with what you are looking for. I would hate to have to sift through all of the ridiculousness of the internet, just so I could figure out how effective the sponge is. Many famous sex therapists have put out their own works of literature on the subject that they know the best, sex.
The Ultimate Sex Expert

That being said, I wouldn't say that there is some magical man or woman out there that knows everything there is to know about having sex. These people are highly trained in their respective fields, but when it comes down to it, you and your partner are the real deciding factors.
When it comes to first timers, I like to go with the simple theory that if it feels good keep doing it. And if something feels wrong, stop. You should also try checking in with each other during intercourse. This will help you to learn what exactly the other person wants and likes. Don't be afraid to ask questions, they will help you out in the long run.

What to do

Book-Buying for Male Virgins: His Guide to Finding Helpful Literature

[More Details +]

Views: 219

Ideas: Men's, Sexual Wellbeing

Blog ID: 60406

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