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Baby Blue - My Husband Is Quite Virile And Produces A Lot of Sperm, But Can't Get Me Pregnant

Thirty-two year old woman wants to have children, but after trying for three years, fears she’s infertile. Is she really to blame in this issue? What are the possible causes of infertility?

Case #: 656


I am 32-years-old and have never been pregnant. I used to use protection when I was single, but now I've been married and trying to get pregnant for three years with no success. I'm sure it's my fault. My husband is quite virile and produces a lot of sperm; at least it seems like a lot compared to my previous partners. Anyway, I'm really nervous about taking fertility drugs. Can you help?!!


I’m so sorry to hear about your problems with pregnancy! However, I’m sure you’re not the one to blame. The fact is infertility is due to the female only one-third of the time! The rest of the time, it’s either due to the male, or due to both. You say your husband is virile,

I assume that means he has no problem engaging in sexual activity with you, and reaching orgasm. Just because he has a healthy sexual response does not mean he has healthy sperm, which is what you need to make a baby. Ironically, even if he is producing tons of semen, that doesn’t mean there is much sperm inside the semen at all, or if those sperm are healthy enough to make a child.

Female Failings

There are many varied reasons a woman might be infertile. She might have damaged fallopian tubes due to infection or endometriosis, which make it impossible for eggs to pass to the uterus. A woman might have unbalanced hormonal cycles, making her period too long or too short, or disrupting the balance between when the egg is released and when the uterus prepares a receptive lining. This can be caused by any number of factors, such as diet, exercise, stress, and medication.

Some women have issues with their cervical opening not allowing sperm to enter the uterus. Any abnormality in the uterus itself will prevent a woman from being able to become pregnant, as the body will abort any fertilized egg if it senses the uterus is not a hospitable place for a baby.

Reasons for the uterus being deemed “unsafe” are the presence of polyps or any other foreign body. Also, the chances for a woman to have a baby diminish by 3-5% each year after thirty. So there are many points along the pathway from ovary to delivery that could be stopping the process.

Male Maladies

If a male is infertile, the sole reason is issues with sperm. Either the sperm are too weak to survive the acidic environment of the vagina to reach the egg, or there are not enough of them to survive and fertilize an egg, or there’s something inherently wrong with them, which is preventing the fertilized egg to take. You state that your husband produces a lot of semen; it could be that it’s simply not alkaline enough to succor the sperm through the acidic vagina to reach the egg.

The alkaline component of semen is derived from the prostate; it is very common for men to have issues with prostatic fluid, especially if they’re having a lot of sex. It could be that he’s “shooting blanks”, as they say, and that while there is a lot of prostatic fluid, there are few sperm. There might also be some problem with hormonal levels, which can also affect the quality of a man’s semen. It is safe to say that you are not solely to blame in this instance.

Extinguish Your Infertility Worries!

At this point, as you are over thirty, and have tried for more than one year to try to conceive, I would suggest testing for the possible cause of your infertility. I think it would be a weight off of your mind to have both you and your husband tested for fertility.

There are several tests women usually undergo during testing: a laparoscopy, which views your internal processes and can check for blocked fallopian tubes and foreign growths, a blood test to test hormone levels, and a biopsy to test the uterine environment.

[SEE MORE: Botanical Remedy for Delay & Difficulty Conception]

Your husband should have his sperm tested for health and number, and should also undergo a hormone test. While you two are completing the testing process, I recommend trying an herbal compound formulated to aid in conception by reducing scarring and inflammation, helping the growth of uterine tissues, and rebalancing hormonal levels. Good luck with your babymaking!

[More Details +]

Views: 171

Ideas: Women's, Female Infertility

Blog ID: 60712

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